What's good at killing Rogues in WPVP?

Yea it is for sure. The open world is my playground.

Well Prot has a cheat death mechanic that is extremely strong in TWW because of Health pools and the return of MoP second wind. As you know second wind heals now once below 35% HP.

However if you trigger Battlescarred veteran (my cheat death) at 30% I take 80% less damage for 8 secs. Also ANY healing sources is increased by 100%. So Second wind which is passive is 100% stronger. Any potions is 100% better. My last stand which is a 30% HP heals is now 60% and basically Lay on hands.

So if you do manage to get a perfect opener, the stars align and trigger Battle scarred veteran. I will just heal to full HP in the next few seconds.

Prot War is just an extremely hard counter for Rogue right now. Doesn’t matter if you got me full CCed at low HP. You aren’t killing me through my cheat death and passive CDs.

On a side note I’m aware of this and save CDs for this. Funny enough I sometimes get Avatar procs and it baits people to attack. Then I really pop Avatar and it’s all over.