What's going to happen with Calia?

I think Calia is being set up as a future villain.

Blizzard has been dropping hints that we may get a central storyline with the Light as an antagonist, and I think Calia is being set up as a major player. She’s already demonstrated increasing zealotry and a bit of a Messiah complex, and that was before being resurrected by the Light. I think she will be a raid boss before all is said and done.

Edit: I also think she makes the most sense as a villain. I think a playable Alliance “Lightforged Undead” race is unlikely, and I also don’t see her as remotely a good fit for the Forsaken (which is reinforced by the way most Forsaken players react to that idea). So that makes me wonder why Blizzard brought her back and gave her a push in that specific direction, along with the other revelations about the dangers of too single-minded devotion to the Light that they’ve been dropping lately (i.e. Illidan’s storyline, the Mga’har storyline). I’ll be very surprised if Calia doesn’t wind up as a well-meaning but zealous antagonist.


I think it’s more complicated than that. Syvanas definitely saw Calia as a threat, but if you re-read that passage, you’ll see that her first reaction to Calia isn’t calculating. It’s emotional. It is seeing the sister of Arthas Menethil suddenly revealed that immediately triggers her.

Which makes sense. I like the way that scene is written.

Edit: I also thought that this scene did a great job of showing the problem of Anduin’s inexperience. An older, wiser ruler would have given more thought to the implications of allowing Arthas’ sister to be present at a tense meeting with Arthas’ most infamous victim.


All this talk about Calia reminds me of this machinima all props to [Khayllys]

The moment I met Taelia and she mentioned something about Lordaeron I was like, Oh… she’s Calia and Bolvar’s daughter. I just knew that crap immediately. They built up Bolvar as being really sketchy in Legion, as well as bringing Calia back in Legion with the Priest Order Hall, and then all the stuff that happened with Calia in Before the Storm. Blizzard thinks they are slick, but I see what they are doing.

It’s just that it’s really bizarre to say Calia never went to SW and got back together with Bolvar if that’s the case. Though, I guess, not much weirder than saying Taelia’s just been chilling in Kul Tiras all these years. Or Calia’s been doing… ??

Anyway, that does create an interesting possibility where Sylvanas loyalists try to kill Taelia and that tips Bolvar over the edge to becoming the old-school Lich King.

I think her and Bolvar were secretly together so she probably didn’t want to come to Stormwind to advertise that.

Not to mention putting a potential claimant to the throne within bowshot of the throne’s current occupant. Not the brightest idea in the world.


Well Anduin is incompetent. This is the same guy who showed up to Loraderaon not expecting Blight to be used, and then when we got into the throne room tried to talk Sylvanas into surrendering instead of having Genn rip her head off and Alleria pump her full of arrows. Anduin is a total moron.


She’s selfish and by no means as versed in leadership or taking responsibility for people as Anduin is. I don’t think she’s a villain yet. I thought it was the Naaru giving her nightmares

I hope that Calia is just Med’an 2.0
But we still got no possible allied races for Worgen and Forsaken…

I guess. In which case, it could be that she wasn’t 100% honest with Genn/Anduin as to what happened with her husband and child. Meaning we don’t really know ourselves yet.

I have no clue for the Worgen and all I can think for the Forsaken is undead elves.

No, probably some of this Light Thingies of Calia. Worgen? It would be funny if the would introduce an other WoD race -> Saberon :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah when Taelia said that “she’s from Lordaeron and she has a lost mother”. I remembered what Calia said in BtS when Anduin asks her is she has a heir to the throne "I have a lost daughter’. I thought there is something going on here, there must be a connection.

About Bolvar we don’t know anything about his past yet, so he probably started his military career like everyone else, from the bottom as a footman.

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Maybe but he did have a pretty well known mother. He wasn’t the first famous Fordragon. It is also a bit of a stretch that Calia would have never found out he was alive when he was regent of Stormwind for a decent length of time. That is taking living under a rock to a new level.

Still I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard. Personally I would prefer if he just turned out to be an actual commoner and footman. Hell, have him turn up among the forsaken.

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Had a random thought about Calia… What if her daughter is Voss?

After all her father could have been a common soldier before Lordaeron collapsed and he joined the Scarlet Crusade. It would add more weight to him disowning her since her as undead would remind her father of Uncle Arthas and it would add some tragedy to Calia since her husband become a zealous lunatic.

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I share every part of this guy’s sentiment.

That doesn’t make any sense. Forsaken are horde faction. Calia is alliance. Anduin would have to betray her real hard for her to hate alliance.

Also most forsaken are psychopaths that brew deadly poisions and stitch abominations. And plant human farmers for ghouls to eat them.


Ehh, that one was considered over the top even by Forsaken standards.


If only a bit. Like 10% over the top. Rest quests, especially pre-cata were pretty mean (in a fun way)