Are you gonna change your main’s look in the Shadowlands with the new customization? If so, what will they look like?
I messed around with the new customization options on the PTR yesterday for about an hour and finally decided on the look for my Druid, who i plan on maining again in the Shadowlands.
Here’s my girl Daffodil, before…
And here she is after!
I love her new look so much! I can’t wait to get all the Nightfae cosmetics for her!
I can’t wait to see how everyone’s gonna make their characters look in the Shadowlands. I also wonder how many people will keep their characters the same.
I am probably going to leave Wild as a level 50 twink … I have lots of other Hunters who are ready to go into SL! Wild will exist to help me remember what it was like in BfA.
I’ll probably leave her mostly the same; it’ll feel weird otherwise. I’ve been sort of considering changing to the dark DK-only skin for a while but every time I preview it in the barber shop it feels off to me.
I also might make this character my main one. I have some Horde Hunters too, but my friends mostly play Alliance, so I will probably stay on this side for now.
I will definitely be exploring the new face options. No offense, Vecarry!
I’ll post my main down below. The main change I’m planning to make is to remove the eye patch and give myself a blind left eye and a green right eye. I’m making this change so I’m no longer aiming down my weapon with a patched eye, but Ill still keep the one blind eye theme.
Staying the same. Most I might do is change her hairstyle, there’s a new short and messy cut I want to try. But as she is now is pretty well in line with herself. Nothing that needs changing.
Well, whoever you choose, i’m sure they’ll look great!
I had an eye patch Hunter for years before finally realizing that they aim with their patched eye. Decided to just remove the eye patch from the mog after that lol.
Haha. The only thing i’m changing on Hella is also the eyes. Gonna give her a nice new pair of red eyes. She wears an eye patch though so only one eye will be visable.
He looks great! The new blue eyes really stand out.