What's everyone's favorite heritage armor?

I like Orc heritage armor, zalandari, and nightborne.

Dark Iron Dwarf, even with their weird lil duck helm.

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Dark Iron

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the nelf one i have yet to get , 2nd place void elf

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Tauren 100%.


Kul Tiran one.

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Kul Tiran
Mag’har and Orc

Haven’t seen any that I would consider a favorite yet. I have only unlocked gnome and blood elf.

I probably wont ever bother to get any.

I have every class leveled up to 70 (or fairly close) so I dont have much want/desire to level duplicates ~simply for the sake of armor

Even though I actually leveled all my characters (no boosts), because i didnt level them when heritage armor existed, it doesn’t/won’t count so I dont get access to them

Void elf for alliance and Nightborne for horde


Yeah, I love void elf forgot to mention it.

Dark Iron for Alliance and Mag’har for Horde.

RIP to the regular orc heritage sets, Mag’har is way better.


Vulpera or Tauren. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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If I could pick a favorite it would be between gnome, nightborne, and tauren.

Orc hasn’t gotten theirs yet, but its coming in 10.0.7

Same with humans

Yeah, saw the preview for Orc’s armor and was not impressed.

Tauren > everything else.

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just saw it and yeah, its real weird.

Why is it grey instead of red?

and what the hell is going on with that human helm? Looks like one of those long nosed dogs in a way.

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I do like all of them at the very least. Mag’har is probably my fav. But lightforged, dwarf, tauren, highmountain. They’re all pretty fantastic as well.

Zandalari Troll.

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