What's drop chance on legendaries?

Is it 100% or i’ve been super (un)lucky to get two of them on first try?
One from boss in theater of pain, other from torghast level 3 soulforge
Both on tank, so i can’t even use them, smh

Idk how to get to torghast

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Torghast is a 100% drop chance. Not sure about dungeons.

Raids I assume will also be 100% drop chance if torghast is. Dungeons i think it’s a lot lower.

i would assume it’s 100%, cause i just got another one from heroic dungeon.

I guess it’s easy to get, but will be pain to upgrade

Oh god if raid bosses aren’t 100% UH DK is going to be painful.

Its not 100% but I’ve had two drop from heroics and I’ve done about 10 or so.

Dungeon drop rate seems pretty low but not “rare mount” rare. It’s probably around the 5%. I started spamming Spires of Ascension for my BiS yesterday and got it on the 12th kill on the second boss but I probably have a total of around 20-25 runs through spires.

well, then i guess i’m lucky. Even though both legendaries i need drop from raid and rest are worthless

It’s 100% drop chance in Torghast when you complete Level 3 for both wings.

I also got a Marksman Hunter Legendary “memory” from Mythic Plaugefall. Yea…it was a MM lego yet I’m BM and will never spec to MM. So far, I have 2 MM Legendary legos and “Flamewakers Cobra Sting” for BM which is the ladder of the better lego aside from “Soulforge Embers” memory which is BiS for BM anyway. That drops in the Mists dungeon from 1st boss. Any BM hunter that gets that drop, that’s ur BiS “memory” Legendary. Also for BM, look out for “Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs” which is the other BiS lego. The rest are very lack luster compared to the other two BM legos I’ve mentioned.

But yea so far, been getting more MM spec loot including conduits than my own spec loot even though I have BM as my Loot Spec. Looting needs to be fined tuned to where items drop SPECIFICALLY for your Loot Spec, not MM or SURV, but your Loot/Gear Spec. Why is this so hard for Blizzard to comprehend for 16 years?

“Oh, you wanted that 184 ring that drops from that boss which would help you out nicely as a BM?..no problem, here take this MM Hunter legendary instead even though it’s not in your gear spec loot table in the dungeon guide and welcome to Shadowlands adventurer!!” :roll_eyes:


I got Soulforge embers without even knowing were it dropped but I was going to use fangs instead as its passive and I really don’t want to add two more buttons to my rotation.

Also got Wildfire cluster an MM legendary with BM as loot spec.

And so far no BM conduits though I have tons for MM and SV.

I got demo stuff even though i have no demo spec, would be great if the drops obeyed loot specs.

There isn’t any limit to how many you could get in a week is there?

Not that I know of.

can echo this experience as prot, it has constantly funneled me arms stuff, a hint perhaps!

I have been running spire like 6-8 times a day trying to get my legendary. It’s awful.

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Well, the Soulforge Embers burns for 240% ATK PWR for 12 sec. That’s ALOT of DoT. But, it required a Tar Trap and Flare to ignite that. It might be more useful in M+ for sure. Just gotta be coordinated with popping traps + flares in succession to get that rollin.

20% inc pet crit is always good, but that should be on a fully upgraded piece of gear imo.

I’ve ran Plaguewhatever multiple times trying to get my BIS, and have yet to receive it. So it’s definitley a lot lower. Lol

I don’t have the link handy but I believe I read something on Wowhead saying that the more repeatable content is, the lower chance you’ll have for a leggo to drop out of there.

For example one that drops off a WQ boss, which are on a weekly rotation and can only be looted once a month essentially, the drop rate is at or near 100%.

For one that drops out of a Torghast wing which you can do as many times as you like, but only during the week that it’s one of the active wings out of the 8 potential options, the drop rate will be high but slightly less.

And then for stuff like dungeons which are infinitely repeatable you’ll have a significantly lower drop rate.

And also you seem to be able to get a leggo for any spec you have access to rather than the one your loot spec is set to. For instance I avoid touching my DPS specs as much as possible, and when I am forced to DPS I go laser chicken, but you can bet I have nearly all of the Feral specific legendaries right now.

Seems like they are simming fairly close but in later tiers fang will pull ahead as we get more crit. I can save myself 2 buttons and upgrade costs by just going fangs now. The downside is embers works really well with NF’s wild spirits.