What's Blizzards reaction to the Classic hype?

What if their are to many people to condense layers?

Yeah i agree its all speculation. Lots of people seem to think their guess is right and everyone else is wrong though. I think classic is different than another retail expansion. Just looking at how all those naysayers are talking about how they can’t stop playing it. I think people are gonna go check it out and be surprised when they can’t stop playing it. I mean, after all they have mc on Tuesday and it’s their turn to get the eye of divinity for benediction this week.

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There won’t be too many. Server q’s can happen. Layering exists for the initial rush of players until we spread out. Pick your server wisely and you may not have that issue.

The server I’m on now is where I started back then, we had ques. We also all knew each other from leveling up in different zones and randomly running into each other.

That won’t happen here, and that was a big thing back then. Layering will break that and take away what a lot of people have wanted. Sense of community and all that jazz.

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I hate it as much as you do but we have no choice. Layering is 3k people per layer though. Could be worse. Could be sharding.

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At the current state, layering is sharding with a different name.

This why so many people are mad about it though, it’s going to take away a big part of the old game.

Layers aren’t static, you will move between logs and they said they can’t really improve it beyond that.

Yes millions will play, but the hype will die and it’ll be right back to being like retail minus all the other QoL changes.

People stay play D2 and Wc3 on blizzard servers, whats your point?

I agree with that. It’s just whether or not people can sustain that level of interest for more than 6 months or 12 months or 2 years. I personally feel that it’s going to be abit of an uphill struggle for myself as the only thing I feel will be challenging for me is the rank 14 grind which I know I don’t have the time for or maintaining a healthy guild roster. I know for a fact mechanically I outskill most if not all of the ingame mechanics and that only leaves the ingame time spent to purely hold my interest.

Lets hope the content buckets maintain a suitable cadence to keep people hooked.

You just quoted 2 titles made by the original blizzard. The team that also made vanilla.

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and? they make my point, it’s not like classic is the only old game made. Hell VTM:bloodlines still has people modding for it 14 years later.

The point is that old blizzard games are fire and they have large followings that go the distance. The new activision stuff gets dropped within a 1 month or 2.


So you’re saying that everybody that picks up classic will stick around? I wish I could be that deluded.
Alot of people will sure, but not everybody.

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Of course not everybody will. BFA’s target audience is facebook gamers and people who like playing dress ups. Of course some of those people won’t hang around for long. But classic will still easily be blizzard’s most popular game, by miles. It already is, lol. A deadmines (a low level entry dungeon on beta) run on twitch got 100 k views whereas mythic dungeons can barely get 40 k during a competitive tournament.


Is it really? Or you tryign to make up something.

So every former player of wow from vanilla will stick around? or Just some or most or what? My life has changed significantly from when i played in vanilla, some peoples children won’t magically disapeer, nor will their careers or mortgages or their pets or their other social obligations.

Will classic be popular for awhile sure. Will it be this powerhouse you PS fanboys seem to think it is? Maybe. Will it be a solid game 1 year later? Maybe.

People see Iphone adds often, doesn’t mean they only buy iphones.

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Go on wow’s twitch right now, I can’t even see a BFA stream. You have to scroll down a lot before you find one. It’s been left for dead. Just saying :man_shrugging:

I just checked, the highest BFA stream right now has 249 viewers rofl


Yeah they were terrible games.


So according to you classics going to sustain it’s opening boom for 12 months because theres alot of people viewing it now?

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You guys are going round in circles at this point. Maybe you need some Ricardo

Ahhh the old - You think that you do, but you don’t.

If it only sounded more convincing this time. Anyway, the key is to not give up because the next time it may have bigger effect.

Yeah, I’m seeing a pattern. Expansions that made awful changes one after another to the game, and now people are excited to return to the version of the game that was actually good.


Here’s video of Blizzards reaction: