What's after Cata Classic? Panda Remix Just happened, and then War Within

If they go to Panda, why not just “classic” all the way to legion…or dragonflight…etc

When does classic end for you?

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Cataclysm for sure, many people like MoP too however

A long time ago. I’m playing Cata, but there’s not much reason (imo) to choose it over Retail - other than I don’t want to pay for an expansion that I don’t actually want anyway.

No arenas in Classic era, but yet no skirmishes in Cata Classic.

I’d probably play another TBC/Wrath, but I’m also enjoying Cata… it definitely doesn’t have the same feel as Classic 2019 did though.


I go until i want to stop. Despite the doomsayers cata so far has been much more enjoyable then any of the previous expansions.


When they stop making it

It doesn’t end for me. I’m a life-timer, so where the go I’ll go. It seems they’re going all the way, just like other companies have done with progression servers. I see them sundowning the retail game following the next three expansions, and then looping through all of them rinse and repeat. I think they’ll keep hardcore, era, and keep doing spinoffs like SoD. For what it’s worth, I have some experience in the game industry and it’s what I would do.


I’ll keep going until DF Classic and then hope they come out with ClassicClassic and start over


a good question really, at this point I just work on achievements but theyre so unreliable and buggy right now too…

Well there are two ways cata is between wrath and mop with mop being cata plus and cata being wrath minus.

While pandaland might be a good place to stay and raid with rdf for the casuals and plenty of cool stuff to do, there is a possibility it might go into legion given how they allow you to advance with artifact weps. I am not sure having to deal with cata to get mop might be like having to deal with wod for legion. But having to deal with the expansions up to df to get df at that point they might as well release an independent expansion.

As for when classic ends for me, legion might be a good call to stop.

I’ll play MoP and WoD. I stop at Legion. I detested that azerite power mechanic.

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I’d play til Legion

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When the game turns to be not appealing to anyone…

In this case a lot of players like cata… and mop…

It fell off pretty hard in wod
Which in that case they have look at cost effective

Do they transfer these characters to retail?
Do they keep mop servers open forever?
start a fresh classic plus?
Many people would start over

imagine what the average reddit user wants and that’s exactly what the classic team will do

Yea WoD is a bad expansion… it’s also one of the few including legion that I totally missed. lol so I might actually play it?

Anything after MOP, no thanks

Shadowlands. :slight_smile: :heart: I had the best time healing on Holy Paladin. :slight_smile:

WTB Panda classic

a) Correct. It’s called a cost/benefit analysis and is the reason why they did not release era servers

b) No thanks. I’d rather they just wipe the servers
c) No thanks. The population would drop to a point where the servers would be not viable. See a)
d) Classic plus? No thanks. But a fresh Vanilla progression server I would get behind
e) Yes they would in my opinion. I certainly would.

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If it happens that is my plan too.

I did the trilogy of suffering. No need to redo it lol.

Still Iwonder what happens in bfa classic. What would all the loot ninjya and gdkp folk whine about?

Bfa was personal loot. You can’t ninjya or gdkp in personal loot.

No loot meant only one thing, rng hated you. And if an upgrade, it was stuck to the char like glue.

Going to skip MoP and WoD.
I’d probably would of liked Legion and BFA. But BFA last patch was the corruption patch and was not a fan.
Funny enough I did get attatched to my Classic characters. Not interest in continuing after Cata Classic.
It was fun though for the most part.