So I’m leveling a Lightforged Draenei, because what the heck ELSE do you do until Shadowlands comes out? He dinged 60 tonight and now I need to figure out what would be a good flying mount for him. Preferably something shiny and gold - for obvious reasons.
I remember buying the Heart of the Aspects mount a couple years back during a Holiday sale, and it’s honestly the perfect mount for a Lightforged Draenei…but the flying animation on that thing is just. So. Dopey. All that constant bouncing in air and inelegant flapping. I can see why Blizzard never used that particular animation skeleton for anything again.
Then there’s the Lightforged Mech which…yeah. Don’t exactly have 500k gold on me.
I dunno, anyone know of any gold and shiny flying mounts that would he’d look good on? Preferably something that would match his heritage armor?
Ok on a more serious and affordable note lol
- Ensorcelled Everwyrm (SL pre-order Mount) looks very good with LFD’s.
- Pureblood Fire Hawk (Firelands 25-H) Anything Fire is righteous!
- Winged Guardian (Blizzard Store) is a really nice mount for all “light-oriented” characters. (Seriously think it’s one of the best fits.)
- Legion Class Hall Mounts (depending on what Class you are leveling. The Priest and Paladin ones match very well.
- Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent (Timeless Isle long grind)
- Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent (Glory of the Pandaria Raider)
- Sunstone Panther could be an option too.
BUT at the end of the day… fork the money for the warframe. You won’t regret it.
Edit 2:
- Rajani Warserpent
- Ivory Cloud Serpent
These two are, well gorgeously pure. They could work too, but it’s yet again more serpents, and if you are willing to contend with white/alabaster looking ones… there are a few more than could fit the bill too like the Sylverian Dreamer.
Just get the Warframe.
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For my Lightforged I used the Alabaster Stormtalon mount, it’s not exactly gold. But it does a shiny effect when flying that is a bit paladin-y. ![:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:](
Well, once you hit 110 or even use the character you posted this with and try to get the Paladin Class mount, The Highlords Charger is probably other best bet imo.
Hope this helps. ![:grin: :grin:](
Pink Love Rocket… all other flying mounts are inferior!
unless you’re a mage, their class hall disc is pretty legit
It sort of fits the palette?
The lightforged mech is BIS for paladins.
edit: dunno why it says location unknown: you gotta be exalted with Shaohao and it costs 100k timeless isle coins. It’s a pretty insane grind, and I was fortunate that I was already exalted on a character from doing Timeless Isle when it was current.
There’s only 1 true “lightforged” mount and thats the warframe, other then that anything thats shiny or gold.
Besides shiny and gold (which is always a great choice!), maybe you could use a mount that coordinates well with your other major color schemes.
For example, a Lightforged Draenei typically has two major color schemes without transmog: cool purple skin undertones (you can see this most clearly on their legs and sides) and bright yellows. A default Lightforged Draenei would probably be classified in “season color theory” as being a “spring”.
So that means once you choose a color scheme for your transmog set, you can choose a mount that coordinates well with those colors without clashing. For instance, if I say my Lightforged Draenei starts with “purple and yellow,” just by default, then I might use a triadic color scheme on one of her transmog sets (like purple, yellow, and blue). Then I could choose a mount that is either purple, yellow, or blue, based on whichever color I prefer to be the “main” color or the “accent” color.
That may be too much for some people but it’s how I like to choose transmog and mounts together ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
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