Do NOT give blue eyes to blood elves or any other customizations that coukd be considered high elvish. That will be the death blow for alliance as people swap to horde en mass to play their high elf.
If you do that, then please give the alliance the ability to have a blue eyed “high elf” as well. Do not kill the Alliance. Just dont.
Get over yourself. Blood Elves are High Elves. What a dumb thread.
In what aspect? It’s pretty much dead compared to Horde anyway.
People are too invested in their characters and faction. There may be some people who switch, but I doubt you’ll see many.
Really, if they wanted to be an elf so badly they would have switched already.
If our faction’s population truly hinges on the existence of one shade of elf, then we don’t deserve to exist to begin with.
We have werewolves, fire dwarves, mind flayers, space aliens, druidic elves, wicker druids, and pirates.
But we’d be dealt a death blow if the other side gets blue-eyed blonde elves?
(X) Doubt
Actually, do just that. Might avoid the high elf spam on the forums for once
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