Whatever happened to the forums?

When did they change to this style? It’s so gross. Text is too large, so you can only read like one post at a time. Instead of pages, you have this one long scroll fest that takes forever to get to the top or bottom.

I used to browse the vanilla forums on my PSP (yes a PSP) for hours, it was the first device I could browse without being on the main computer in the house so it was my little portal to the online world.

I really hate the reddit style change they did to this forum. It’s extremely annoying not unlike reddit itself. Instead of easy to browse pages it’s this one long megathread with hundreds of comments.

Also not being able to bump old threads? Profanity filter built in? The old agreement was that you could cuss but you better watch yourself and keep it tasteful

This is Warcraft not Hello Kitty.

War. Craft. Say it with me. What happened to this company? :joy: You used to move fast and break things. Now you’re known as one of the least innovative, politically correct companies in the world

EDIT: to those who say it “loads less bro since it’s continuous” it actually doesn’t it loads far more. Everytime you overstep the end of the thread it loads more comments. The old way was loading every page sure but easy to navigate. These don’t even feel like forums to me at all


You can read more than one post at a time? Isn’t that confusing?


I meant have them in view,be able to see what someone says and another’s reply in the same screen. For reference. Made conversation flow much easier.

As it stands now even a small reply takes up half of my screen (which is an XL phone) so watching the flow of conversation becomes annoying. Maybe if they’re right after each other it’s easier but on the old style you could zoom out and see 4 or more replies on a single screen at once

We are now past boredom. Lets talk about the forum css and json.


It all starts right here. This is where blizzard began to go downhill. Right in these threads.

What is CTRL + mouse wheel down for 500 Alex.


blinks eyes widely OK.

15 years of filth, social media and a younger generation have changed the online world.

That and Blizzard chasing every dollar they can, they made things PG so they could sell more subs.

Brb checking phone for mouse wheel

Doable on phone as well, just needs a little more forethought.

Pretty sure it’s having one finger pressed onto screen and then using your other hands fingers to zoom and out by increasing the distance between them or closing it.

around the time smart phones became the norm i would say.

cause a flip phone everyone think you a d boi

I still hate it as well, but it does have one beneficial feature: you can post without a subscription now.


only benefit it gave me is reading threads down up after responding to first

which isn’t a benefit that was being a smart mouth of me

Or you could, you know, just keep forums like forums. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.

Reddit style is not “forums”. Blizzard used to be the authority on what a “forum” meant. Now they have gone the way of this scroll style which is just flat out awful.

Another example of thinking they’re innovating and flat out getting it wrong

ur coming at them like they reason ur upset friend. take a moment to disassociate yourself from your emotions

What happened fella? You okay?

Only thing I think is wrong with these forums is allowing multiple avatars. Oh and when we do classic stress tests. Which light this place up and they bog down.
Other than that I find them pretty user friendly. Once you get used to them. I like this iteration the best so far.

I’m not upset. It’s just sad.

My points are valid. To this day I always prefer Blizzard’s old style forums to literally any website who uses the scroll style today. It’s not innovative. Neither is censoring people. Neither is preventing old threads from being bumped. If the thread is dead it will go away, we don’t need a helicopter company deciding when threads die thanks