Whatever happened to The Enclave?

Where is Horrigan these days?? Like I heard there was some SUPER crazy stuff going on last year! and I’m completely out of the loop. Whats the news, boys?

Please don’t use the term “boys”. It’s offensive.

The server has purged itself of the cancer that was Horrigan. Unfortunately, with massive xfers, too many tumors still remain.

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oh, thats really a shame. I was hoping he’d still be around! What happened to him?

I too wish to know the fate of him, he was a big deal when i was super active back then, and by big deal i mean most horde guilds had a bounty for screenshots of proof of demise.

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Racist guild leader did some racist stuff and got banned from server. Guild dissolve because members where worried about being outed as racist in a racist guild. Hopes that satiates your questions.


This has! Thank you for the info.

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Is martial law even around anymore? :frowning_face:

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Interesting interesting, thanks

As far as I’m aware, Enclave reformed into Martial Law after Horrigan got banned for something(racial?) in effort to avoid association. Martial Law then got absorbed into After Dark due to member hemorrhage and raid issues.

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he was racist


This. Horrigan got banned along with some others because he did a “roleplay halloween costume” that was pretty much a klansman and images of his costume reached the twitter account of a United States Congressman who very much eager to @ Blizzard to ask WTF this was and why it was allowed in WoW, and Horrigan got a real swift banhammer as this was right after the huge wave of bad PR from last year with Blizz and the HK protests and they didn’t want to add more gasoline to the fire.

Im not joking. This actually happened.

After this the Enclave pretty much exploded into sub guilds, some lasted, others didn’t but it seems most got bored of Classic and moved on.


Oh you didn’t hear? He left wow after being elected ‘grand wizard’ of his methed-out trailer park in West Virginia where he lives with his sister and their 3 lazy-eyed kids.

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What was hilarious were the leaks of guild discussion as well as the attempt to bury the guild forum from sleuths. Utilizing archived snapshots it was possible to see the kind of content users posted and it definitely was 2edgy cringefest.

The tale of the unknown.

I was originally from Emerald Dream and was looking for large scale wPvP guild. I joined Enclave in my 50sh couple of weeks before the accident. On Halloween Horrigan posted Screenshot in a game where he posed dressed in white clothes with two torches. Two others lvl1 humans with darkest possible skin color where nearby. One had name Jessejackson or something close. Print screen was linked later to Twitter post from Cal state rep, tagging Blizzard and FBI. Horrigan was banned forever and guild had mass exodus, lead by officers of the guild. I decided not to follow them.

I think you mean “incident” not accident… Or did you have an accident?

I have English as my 4th language, so suck it up Mr grammar police and keep entertaining me with off topic comments.

Oh cool. English is my 6th language and even I know the difference between Accident and incident. By the way, that a’int gots nothing to do with grammar

/clap /clap. Keep entertaining.

OK, one time when I was a kid my friend gave me a book and I told him I read it but I never read it. THen he moved to France and he still thinks I read it. It was called The Enormous Egg. It’s about a kid who finds a big egg but instead of a chicken or other bird it contains a dinosaur.