Whatever Happened To: Club Trix/Club BOOM! DJs

[a crackle comes over a nearby radio]

Hey there… Amy Stormpike here.

Some of you may be wondering whatever became of me and Club BOOM!

Pixy and I closed it.

Horde…Alliance…y’all find any excuse to go to war, don’t you? What was it this time? Azerite?

I know it was almost a year ago. I just got sick of the whole thing. No matter how many times we end up facing some world-ending abomination together, you never see the solution staring you in your Light-damned faces!

Azeroth is OUR world. All of us! We all have to live on this dirtball together!

Once Teldrassil got torched and Lordaeron got destroyed, I cut out, Pixy and I got married, and right now we’re at Area 52 waiting for all the crap to blow over.

After almost a year, I’m breaking my silence because apparently it’s starting to do just that. Windrunner finally screwed up big time, Thrall’s back, and it looks like things are finally starting to go back to normal.

So…I’m considering starting up the club again, but it’s up to you. If it turns out y’all still haven’t learned jack crap about peace, love, unity, and respect for one another, regardless of faction, Pixy and I are just gonna go back to Area 52 again.

So, if y’all can keep out of inter-faction war by the end of Winterveil, Club BOOM! will return!

Why so long? Pixy and I have to negotiate contracts with venues again, and that’s gonna take some time.

So hope to see you again soon. BE GOOD!!

–Amylin Stormpike-Midlik


Can’t wait!:heart:

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[Stares at his radio.]


[Changes the station.]

Who’s been messing with my favorites?

Edit: Oh my god. It’s the future! How’s 2020? Is it awesome? Is it amazing?! Is food finally in pill form? Are pills finally in food form!?!?!


I am waiting for this to happen, can’t wait!!

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I am resurrecting this thread to say if Club Trix comes back, so does Pai.


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Hello from the world of tomorrow!

Hm… an interesting radio signal. This repeating message seems to be old… the Audio quality is terrible… but interesting none the less.



Club Trix was the best.

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You need to print that post out and frame it.


Got an update for ya! It looks like we’re going to head back to the Purple Parlor ((that’s the NEW Dalaran Purple Parlor this time, since we can all fly in Broken Isles now)), with a return date sometime in January or February.

Unless, of course, something major bad happens.


2020 is bad enough don’t jinx it any more! :sob:

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It’s friday night, just sitting here remembering the good times at Club Trix/Club BOOM…


Club Trix was so much fun. I remember still being new to the RP scene and going to Tanaris from one of the advertisements I saw. First time I went I didn’t know about the website that was streaming the music and saw a bunch of people dancing in silence and I was so confused. Good times. Hope the hosts are doing good.