I am pretty sure both factions must have collected a bazillion of that thing.
Do you think it’s gonna be ‘‘drained’’ or ‘‘spent’’ or is it just gonna be forgoten plot-wise
I am pretty sure both factions must have collected a bazillion of that thing.
Do you think it’s gonna be ‘‘drained’’ or ‘‘spent’’ or is it just gonna be forgoten plot-wise
Plot hole #8921
Retcon #2123532423524323
‘‘Azerite never existed, it was an illusion played by N’zoth!’’
Patch 9.0 ‘‘Magni has been removed’’
There is some set up for it.
The first sample of Azerite was Gallywix’s staff. It was dormant and powerless from shortly after it was first mined before Cata till Azeroth was wounded at the end of Legion. Logically, that would suggest that if Azeroth’s wound is healed, the existing Azerite on the surface will become dormant and powerless too.
Simply put it only works while Azeroth is hurt.
Probably just completely dropped as a plot point, might get an off-hand in-game statement if we bug them. Probably something, a quest after you defeat N’zoth? (“Azeroh is healed now, go buy Shadowlands!”) Like about half the things in BFA that only sounded good in the developers’ heads but got denounced as dull garbage by the actual paying customers.
apparently we are going to use it as a kamehameha to beat n’zoth.
The Azerite not in our Heart of Azeroth(which is going to be used to kill N’Zoth) is probably going to be just left there or(if people are still too greedy) just mined and horded as the most useful Mineral.
Azeroth no longer will need Azerite protected by us once she has recovered after the death of N’Zoth(his corruption is stated by the healers in Silithus to be the cause of Azeroth’s dying state) since she will be in good health.
Azerite is just a quick power boost for people to use. No different from the Well of Eternity.
“That’s not the story we want to tell in Shadowlands.”
Sylvanas: “This will change everything!”
3 seconds later
Sylvanas: “Oh wait! This doesn’t change anything. I just, apparently, didn’t know better. Let’s just stick with killing a bunch of people plan for the jailer plan.”
She used it as an excuse for the Horde to start the War of Thorns. She of course used Genn not being punished for attacking her in Stormheim as an excuse for Saurfang to start the War of Thorns.
The Horde Members all thought Sylvanas was starting a war to secure Azerite and that the Night Elf she was talking said something to make her decide to burn the tree for that same purpose.
Saurfang was given a different excuse due to his love of Honor. She played upon Genn’s lack of punishment and convinced him to make a plan to conquer Stormwind and thanks to the ideas running through her head when she touched the Azerite figured out how to use what Gallywix found as a pretext for war that Saurfang would use to bait the Alliance.
Azerite was merely a tool just as the Horde and N’Zoth were.
Bring back azerite. It may of been stockpiled in undermined. In the belly of Gallywix.
Five years?!?