What Zones Would you Most like Revamped?

I don’t necessarily mean in a Cataclysm way, but in a Warfront or N’Zoth invasion way?

For me, I’d love to see Felwood, Swamp of Sorrows, Winterspring, Wetlands, and Un’Goro Crater. Make them relevant with questing hubs, new rares to farm, mounts, pets, toys, secrets. Each of those zones are also big enough to revitalize wpvp for those who are into that.

The one thing I disliked about the Warfront revamps was they were only available part of the time, and the rares were locked until it changed hands again. The N’Zoth invasions at the very least had different things to farm daily.

What are your ideas?

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Anything in Outland. It has the oldest content.

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Hmmm, I’d have to say anything before Wrath days maybe Cataclysm like you mentioned. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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The Draenei and Blood Elf starter zones.

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Hated what they did with barrens and thousand needles and shimmering flats during Cata

Used to have a lot of fun there but that underwater crap and unnecessary chasm is just annoying

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I am 50/50 on the 1k Needles revamp. I love the barge, but I agree they could have made the swimming sections much easier. I enjoyed the original Mirage Flats too. Maybe have the waters recede back to normal

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This is the only correct answer.

I agree these need revamps, but I don’t want them to be contested territories. Maybe ghostlands and bloodmyst, but not eversong and azuremyst. Those need to stay faction exclusive.

Yeah, of course.
I mainly want to see a modern Silvermoon and Azuremyst, at this point.

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Majority of Azeroth.

Primarily fix Cataclysm, I have no idea lore wise how long ago it was. But IRL it was over 10 years ago. Could we get a Azeroth that has moved on please?

Wetlands, The Barrens, Strangle-thorn, etc.

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