What you think happen to the Alternative Azeroth?

Hang on. I thought Alleria had no interest in being Ranger General and joined the Farstriders. At which point Sylvanas stepped up to assume the role.

Destroyed by the Legion. Without the planetary union of kaldorei, humans, and all the rest including orcs whether we like it or not, the Burning Legion would overwhelm the planet. When humans aren’t forced to unite, they fracture. So the Legion would show up to find one race at war with itself, burn it all to ash. A few elves in the trees, burn it all to ash. Done and done. Next planet please.

So they said one thing then another

Typical Blizz .

I remember seeing something about there not being another au azeroth at least not in the same au as wod draenor .Can’t remember where it has been years

No I wouldn’t hate a whole group of people because some people didn’t help. That’s kinda nuts. Gotta be tough in this world. Especially Azeroth. Whole family gotta be killers lmao

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While that maybe true(even the Bronze said the humans would fight each other without the Horde arriving) that doesnt neccesarily mean the humans would suddenly start genocidal campaigns. At worse it would be campaigns of conquests as oppose to slaughtering for the sake of slaughtering. Nor would they necessarily involve Kalimdor.

Also, depending on whether said Legion would even exist in AU Azeroth considering we do end up dismantling it, a war may or not even occur anytime within a the span of time we have been active in Warcraft.

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There was a dark portal that is destroyed during the intro quests of WoD. Where else would it be headed if not for Azeroth?

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I’m not sure. If the humans are based off of earth humans loosely, I wouldn’t feel safe making that statement.

Look at all the things we have done to each other. Sick twisted things. Albeit race, creed, gender, religion. We just slaughter each other. We genocide each other. I hear shots every night where I live at. Now you throw whole other species of being on top of that and our dumb little lizard brains are gonna go nuts. Plus with the burning legion. It definitely could tempt a human warlock and make another Lich king.

Did you just describe IRL

Alternative Azeroth will always be around for that 2 parter seasonal filler.
/twirls Opposite Mirror mustache

if blizz uses the real world theory of infinite timelines then their are exactly that infinite timelines where things are the same, slightly different or the the complete opposite. They also mentioned things like even tho their are multiple timelines the legion transcends all realities so it seems their are more than just 1 AU’s

How does that work? The draenei presence on AU Draenor confirms there must also be an AU Argus at the bare minimum.

Red Shirt Guy was the one who said that(in the form of a question) not Blizzard.

Red Shirt Guy made assumptions and he is wrong.

Blizzard says that AU Azeroth does exist.


Deathwing only woke up because of the Horde arrival. The Old Gods cannot use him until a Dark Portal-sized Portal opens near AU Azeroth.

This all means that AU Medivh would continue to search for means to fulfill Sargeras’s goals and if the Lightbound shows up he might team up with it.

The Lightbound are as capable of opening the Tomb of Sargeras as any alien. The idea of Lightforging the Avatar of Sargeras(picture facing Sargeras in a Lightforged Avatar) might sound tempting to the Army of the Light!

What the Lightbound could do to Azeroth is unknown as Deathwing is sleeping until we show up to stop the Lightbound.


I really hate the whole “The Light is ALSO evil in its own way” direction Blizzard is going in.


So the golden question becomes: Is the Vindicaar strong enough to take down Deathwing? Do it’s beams hit hard enough to tear through gigantic elementium plates?

If yes, plot armor dictates that the Vindicaar will win the aerial showdown.

If not, Deathwing will slam his face into the Vindicaar and send it plummeting down below. And then blow up the planet.

I like it. It means that good and evil aren’t dictated by the color of your conjured swirlies. Any magic can be a weapon of evil. It also means that every magic can be a weapon of good. Illidan, and the PC warlocks and demon hunters proved that the Fel can be used for good.

Now that we can see the Light being used for evil, we can fire up a redemption arc for the Void. Honestly, N’Zoth has deliberately allowed us to kill him. While at the same time setting us up with everything we need to face down Death. I’d be willing to bet he becomes a force for good down the road, now that he’s free from his corruption, his Black Empire, and his twisting mountain of flesh. Like he needed us to free him from his predestined purpose forced upon him by the Void Lords.


We already saw the Light being used for evil though. Look at the Scarlet Crusade for example. It can be used for the evil, but the Light itself shouldn’t be made out to be evil.

Not when its use literally heals, inspires feeling of hope in the affected, and is generally all thing good. It can still be used for bad deeds as the best intentions can, but the force of Light itself shouldn’t be portrayed as evil.

I should really be posting this on my Lightforged.

The light itself can’t be made outright evil. The light itself isn’t a sapient being capable of having an alignment.

That’s not entirely relevant to fantasy where forces can be inherently aligned with good or bad.

The Void itself isn’t sentient either, but its effects are inherently destructive, manipulative, and “evil”.

There would be an epic clash, between elves and C’thun. Arthas and Nzoth and Yoggy-soggy would probably take over the titan keepers and kill everyone.

AU was a collapsing pocket dimension, so it is very possible AU Azeroth never existed.