What would you like to see?

Ideally, Naga would make the best introduction for a Bard class given that Sirens, female Naga who specifically enhance their voices through training and magic to ‘entrance’ and charm their foes, either to subdue so others can kill them or to enslave them for the glory of Azshara, would make an ideal intro for the Bardic class.

I’m just saying if we get bards before tinkers I’m going to use this thread as a hit list so I know who to shove into a locker.


wasn’t me! :3

Jokes on you, I spent most of my highschool years having that happen to me!

… And now I made myself sad.

That said, Bards would work better than Tinkers. Blizz kinda stole the thunder from that with Engineering and then with Hunters being able to tame M.E.C.H.s as combat pets.

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Your mention of Murmur is lore that I had never actually connected to the possibility of a bard class. Here’s my deal, we get goblin/gnome exclusive tinkers with mech suits specialization first, then we have a new study of bard magic from research into the existing sound based magic. Could have a murmur based psuedo shamanistic spec, a siren based spec, and a lorewalking spec to include the most Canon performers of auditory magic.

actually, i thought about this some more so…have additional thoughts!

i’d like for a breather, tbh
this pretty much slapped me in the face when i did SMV on my velf; ofc, we just escaped the iron horde with Yrel, and now we’re on the way to her home town to meet her sister - on the way there’s various NPCs who talk to Yrel, b/c they’re acquainted (like a LW vendor iirc, whom Yrel owes some coin) - then we arrive in embaari village, and BAM the shadowmoon are attacking

for a first time doing WoD on alliance, i was excited to see the things
well, i understand the (back then) threat of the iron horde, but tbh i would’ve liked for some kind of…
“goodness, you just escaped capture, and there’s more freed slaves, take a breather, help with the elekks”, meanwhile reports come in that the orcs are attacking the observatory…or something
instead of jumping right in again with the THE WORLD IS ENDING

i’m biased and jaded, i’m pretty sure of it, but seriously

give us a moment to breath

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I feel like it’d be easy enough to look at Engineers for the DPS spec then go even more wild than that. Lots of abilities that are gizmos themselves or summon temporary pets (turrets, automatons, the odd rocket chicken) so it winds up explodey, lasery, shooty, and scrappy. Sort of a swarmy appearance too with everything active and happening (kind of like Unholy DKs in PvP where they have the abom, their regular ghoul, that skulker skeleton with the bow, and Army of the Dead).

Healing spec would be kind of the same thing but with more of an emphasis on bandages, chemistry, or feel good beams. Ghostbuster proton back on their back. More or less thinking of the elixir gun from Guild Wars 2 that the Engineer class had but more general technology.

And the tank spec would be the pilot one. Get in the robot, Shinji. Bonus points if they did something nuts like gear stays just for your character, fine and cool. But it’s your talents that dictate what parts are added onto your steam armor (something like Mekkatorque’s for Alliance and the new crowd pummelers for Horde).
Like at level 15 your choices are: Some cleave passive / an active flamethrower skill / a stomp.
Cleave passive would add some extra beef and plating around the right hand, flamethrower skill adds said flamethrower to the left wrist, stomp would add more pistons to the legs or something.


Getting to have a break from the excitement and rush of adventure is necessary. Tonal contrast makes for a better experience. If the only thing you ever do is insane and intense you can’t appreciate when things go slow.

Coughs coughs this is why the dinosaur breeding quest was necessary in Zuldazar.


I think seeing how Outland is in modern day would be excellent.


goodness, that was so silly and amusing…
honey, i shrunk the brutosaur!

It’s a super, SUPER small thing, I know, BUT… … non cloak cloaks. Now, hear me out. The various models for them already exist in the game. They appear on your back utilizing that slot all the time in various quests. Backpacks, rockets, plague cannisters, random hoopla… Much like how they’ve finally started adding the occasional belt that has pouches and knives and buckles, I would absolutely LOVE to have my adventurers have an actual backpack on their back!!!


My friend, I cannot tell you how long I’ve wanted an over-the-shoulder bag or a proper backpack in this game. It adds to the immersion of the setting to tote around your mystical loot and mundane foodstuffs. Not to mention the voodoo pack that Vol’jin toted, the woven casks the Quillboar use, and the Highmountain totem harnesses all prove that it’s within the tech limitations. Plus as a goblin I do approve of back-mounted rockets.


Ethereal stuff, like the species before they became Ethereals via flashbacks, and a bunch of lore because they’re playable :smiley:


I want race-specific storylines during expansions.

Class-specific stories in legion was one of its strongest aspects. There were 12 different stories as to how each class had something to contribute in the fight.

They went from 12 stories… to two. Yawn.

Race stories would help keep us up to date on whats going on, and in the case of the Horde in its current state, what each race thinkings of whats going on and WHY they choose to stay, and finally, how theya re NEEDED and will contribute to the conclusion of the story.

It would also always allow for each race to get some love and attention from writers.