I’m curious what my fellow Brews are thinking.
Brewmaster doesn’t “need” much IMO
Add AoE scaling like all other tanks get. This can be via the return of Firestone Walkers, Boiling Brew + T18/HFC 4pc, or a modification to A&S to allow it to scale into AoE instead of standardizing between it and ST. AoE scaling would be one of the bigger things they could realistically do for Brewmaster, as it would have little impact on our standing as one of if not the best ST raid tank.
Fix Niuzao. We are currently the only monk spec that doesn’t run their celestial (save for in raid for a relatively minor damage increase). At the very least fold everything into one point and add pathing from Elixir of Determination. I’d like to see Walk with the Ox buffed and put on a meaningful choice node like MW has with Jade Bond vs Gift of the Celestials for CDR and an empowered celestial vs an innate 1m CD but lower duration. Could also do some cook where RSK gets replaced by a Charging Ox Kick for the duration, reusing the Rushing Wind Kick animation paired with the Charging Ox Wave visual that was removed in Legion, giving it a knockup or interrupt effect or just more damage that is only available during Niuzao. Doubt they’d do something like that, however. Overall I just want Ox back.
Prune the Talent tree. There’s currently a lot of talents that are either mandatory for the spec to function, never taken or only taken for pathing and it creates a talent tree that just kind of feels lackluster. Combine One with the Wind and Stike at Dawn into a talent that might actually feel worth it, get rid of Staggering Strikes and CFL, rework or get rid of Fluidity of Motion, fold the sub-capstones (Black Ox Adept, Heightened Guard, Call to Arms, Chi Surge) into their respective capstones baseline.
Separate Arbitrary Choice Nodes. This is kind of a personal nitpick but the Bob and Weave/Black Ox Brew and Light Brewing/Training of Niuzao choice nodes feel horribly arbitrary. The other choice nodes make sense. One offers a choice between active or passive AoE, the other between more BoF or BoF increasing damage of KS, more damage directly from BoF or BoF adding more damage to other abilities, etc. These just feel like there’s no direct correlation. BNW and BoB are at least both good, but Light Brewing feels so weak, especially with how relatively weak CB is currently, that I can’t see it ever being a good choice over passive tankiness via Mastery that also buffs CB and damage via AP scaling.
I’d also like to see ZM made baseline and Legion’s Fundamental Observation moved to it’s place, making ZM a 2.5m CD, allowing movement and not cancelling upon receiving melees. The tradeoff is already that we can’t attack, we shouldn’t have to trade movement and an absurdly long CD for what currently only works against one hit in most cases. I’d like to see Mighty Pour as well. 35% chance not to consume a Purifying Brew charge and CB increasing armor by 50% feels like something completely in line with talents every other tank receives. It’d be nice fan service if they threw Keg of the Heavens or Charred Dreams in there somewhere, or the current 4pc effect of BoK granting free Keg Smash resets, but I don’t feel they’re mandatory to the spec feeling or performing well.
Increase keg smash raidius
This point is the one that I like the most anytime it gets brought up. It’s so weird that Yu’lon, Chiji, and Xuen are powerful in their own respects and our poor little Bull just shows up like “I’m doing my best” lol
Increase orb spawn rate. I shouldn’t consistently do an entire 3-5 minute raid encounter and see 3 orbs the entire time. Something is wrong.
I was watching a Temple of the Jade Serpent challenge mode run video the other day from a Brewmaster POV. Back then, orb spawn was uncapped but you had to run over them to heal.
Believe me when I say that there was over 100 orbs in the boss room with him due to how many trash packs get pulled.
Oh, and the fat juicy Guard (now called Celestial Brew) that made the monk immortal because it was well over 300% of their life pool due to vengeance scaling.
While orbs are technically capped these days overflow get auto consumed so healing still occurs.
It is why i did a post calling for a smarter expel harm a while back. Expel harm gives you healing now at the expense of healing in the future, consuming orbs even if the result is overhealing.
On the surface you could write this off as a learn to play issue but expel harm is on the GCD and a lot can happen in a global cooldown or two. In addition there are times you need to be at near full health for incoming damage which might not require a massive amount of healing but if all you have is expel harm you are going to consume up to 5 orbs regardless.
In terms of quality of life i feel a smarter expel harm would be nice and it would protect less experienced players against themselves. Lets be real the majority of Brewmasters are not going to know the finer details of how orbs are generated or consumed let alone be thinking about min maxing this.
I would need to actually get to the cap at some point for any of that to matter. I literally can’t remember the last time I saw more than 3 or 4 orbs at a time, even during raid encounters.
Orb production is a function of two talents in the upper part of our spec tree, Spirit of the Ox and Gift of the Ox. They serve two different purposes in our overall self healing model.
Spirit of the Ox
This produces a low but constant number of orbs, approximately 5 per minute increased with haste. It does not matter if you are tanking boars in Goldshire or Sargeras himself, if you are pushing buttons you get the same flat amount of healing orbs.
Gift of the Ox
Produces orbs based on how much damage you are taking, one orb when you take approximately 1.45 times your base health (hp without gear). This will produce near no orbs tanking boars in Goldshire, Sargeras on the other hand would flood you with orbs assuming you could survive the hits.
So our healing is made up of
- Flat constant healing from sources like Spirit of the Ox and instant Vivify casts.
- Scaling healing based on damage taken from sources like Gift of the Ox and Gai PLin’s Imperial Brew.
This is somewhat a simplification of things and others can expand if desired. I feel it gives a decent picture of how our healing works.
Why have healing based on Damage Taken???
Consider two different models…
- Tank1: damage taken is reduced by a flat 66%.
- Tank2: damage taken is reduced by a flat 33%, heals for 33% damage taken (before DRs).
In theory these two tanks are identical even though one is taking 100% more damage because that extra damage taken is all being healed.
In practice… it is a lot more complicated.
- give us better magic mitigation, we take practically full damage and all the chain casting caster packs feel rough, rework diffiuse magic to be more practical, it feels more like a pvp talent or tank buster ability but it would be nice if it was useful on trash, 6 seconds is nothing and the spell reverse is very limited in pve.
- adjustments to stagger on smaller hits would be nice
- rework zen meditation, it’s super pigeon holed in functionality and has one of the longest cds in the game, I basically get to press it once per boss to absorb 1 hit when we typically already have more than enough tank buster protection. Not useful for aoe as that’s typically not enough damage to matter, and useless against trash.
They changed gust of wind for ww and mw in 11.1 but didnt mention bm.
Dance of the Wind has been redesigned – Now reduces physical damage taken by 10% and an additional 10% every 4 seconds until you receive a physical attack.
I think they might have made changes to bm that they will post after the holiday break.
Above all I desperately want to see monk in general get utility and bm to get some kind of intervene type group support to tank hits for others.
Im fine with BM being a squishier but higher damage tank. And would love to see them be top DPS again
Keg smash radius would help quite bit.
So I only runs keys. I don’t raid nor PvP, so my feedback is purely from running 11’s and over 200+ total keys run.
- larger keg smash radius
- more threat (in 11.1 all tanks are getting increased threat multiplier but I want moaar)
- Make Spin-To-Win great again, or at least buff Charred Passions effect to SCK.
- BOK cleave damage increase would be nice… (buff to cleave damage)
- Niuzao AOE damage buff. Like 300% buff lol. It’s mad weak now. Or some utility, like AOE stun or reduce attack speed.
- Increase raw value of Celestial Brew and make it function like Ignore Pain.
- Stagger duration increased
- and some utility - AoE spell reflect. Or a brez or some other AoE buff.
- Mystic touch rework. It’s just dog useless crap now.
- something to allow Celestial Fortune overheals go into absorbs or something.
- Keg Smash AOE increased to 2 yards, radiating from the outside of the hitbox rather than the interior circle. This fixes issues where giant hitbox bosses like Mists’ and the adds that spawn, or Grim Batol final boss and picking up aggro on the mobs.
- Celestial Brew cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
- Celestial Brew now grants 50% damage reduction, down from 100%.
- Celestial Brew absorption increased by 40%, but can only consume up to 6 purified Chi.
- Sprinning Crane Kick damage increased by 10%.
- Keg Smash damage increased by 10%
- Zen Meditation no longer breaks on damage. Cooldown reduced to 4 minutes.
- Avert Harm (new): Guard the 4 closest players within 15 yards for 15 sec, allowing you to Stagger 20% of the damage they take. Choice node with Zen Meditation
- Dizzying Haze (new): Your Breath of Fire damage is increased by 100%, based on your level of stagger. Enemies have a chance equal to 40% of your critical strike rating to miss their melee attacks against you.
- Heightened Guard: Now grants a chance equal to your critical strike chance to spawn a healing orb when removed.
- Song of Chi-Ji removed. Replaced with Ring of Calm, which silences all enemies within the ring for 4 seconds. 45s cooldown.
- Breath of Fire damage over time effect increased by 50%
And finally, never having this happen again (Mythic Rasha’nan, which does not count stagger as mitigation but does count block)
h ttps://imgur.com/a/i9kSWb3
I feel our healing orb production is fine, coupled with insta cast vivify. Even in 12s, I’ll pool my orbs till I chunk down to about 50% and then I’ll purify, expel harm, celestial brew, and then vivify. I’m usually back to 100%.
I feel the self healing of monk is fine. I’d love for CB to have more impact than it does now. DFs CB was much better.
I think Brew is actually fine except for a few things:
- Keg Smash AoE needs to be bigger. I shouldn’t need SCK and Angry Dave to initiate and pull threat. If you require a complicated macro to make the taunting work, something is wrong.
- Celestial Brew needs to be bigger. Maybe it increases based upon the number of attackers so it’s not completely broken for raid, but still impactful for large trash pulls in mythic+. It’s literally gone in one global atm.
- Give us a bres or lust. I’d prefer lust and some unique utility like dropping a keg at the start of a dungeon like warlock cookies, but ours would hand out power infusion or lust potions. The lust potions give the same exhaustion debuff as normal heroism or blood lust.
- Give us a choice node for RoP to change it to a silence. Yes rop is cool and unique, but outside some niche areas to para/rop for skips, it’s annoying to knock things away for interrupt. A silence is generally more useful.
That’s about it.
Keg Smash
- Hurls your Keg at an enemy target, dealing (75.3523% of Attack power) “Brew” damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player targets for 3 sec.
Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 60% as much damage as it dealt.
Deals ((8.04205% of Attack power) * 1) additional damage to all enemies within 5 yds of each target hit.
Fair call.
Utility, threat (Keg Smash radius) and Celestial Brew are the big three most people agree need some love.
If you want threat, start abusing seabed leviathan’s citrine.
I would rather they just buff keg smash radius and add bit more umph to agro generation from it than relay on borrowed power.