What would you like to see added to Torghast?

rewards worth my time…i’d like to see torghast step it up in difficulty, and add some nicer mage-tower or challenge mode quality cosmetics.

that would be worth every minute to chase for many people…soul ash is not enough…even in clumps.

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Maybe some of the SL weapons we haven’t seen?

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Good idea! Make it more like the rouge-like games it’s clearly inspired by

The game needs to unlock a 2nd Legendary available to be equipped with 9.1 and then a 3rd with 9.2
This gives players a reason to gather materials with friends and guilds again, like we did when the Xpac started.
Also gives players a reason to mix and match more combo’s. Which is something I find alot of fun.

Oh ya and the vender in Torghast would of course sell the power to equipped a 2nd legendary or a quest item drop from last boss in layer 8 would lead to unlocking it.

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Allow all the Legion artefact appearances to be obtainable again via drops from Torghast bosses.

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Way more powers, for the most part nothing we pick up changes my playstyle that much. Torghast is within it’s own little bubble, Blizz can throw crazy stupid OP abilities that would be considered game breaking, but inside Torghast it’s fine. Don’t give them a high drop rate but just enough that we do see them from time to time. I don’t get excited about ANY of the powers currently int he game.

Getting lucky and picking up a powerful ability early on feels great. Not every run needs to be a god run though.

Do away with the weekly Torghast events - it’s just kinda dumb to have it as a rotation. Just throw them into the game and give them a small chance to trigger each time you start a run, you know to actually make your runs feel different. Put more of these things in. While I don’t think they are amazing they are way more interesting than simply adding m+ mechanics into Torghast. I’d rather support new ideas than Blizzard just recycling ideas and saying “jobs done”.

Themed floors would be kinda cool. Like entering a run and youv’e stepped inside some sort of murloc hell and there are tons murlocs hellbent on taking you out. occasionally throw in some of those giant murlocs - you can get silly with it, and when Blizzard does take the time into making silly content they do it really well. You want people to like Torghast so make it enjoyable. Play to your strengths.

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Whimsyshire or a secret cow level. I was actually kind of hoping that we’d get that for an April Fools thing. Anything with a different color scheme or different textures and ambience. I think I usually have a pretty good attention span and ability to maintain focus, but everything in there is so drab and same-looking that I sometimes have to actively work to keep myself engaged. Especially on the second run.


Auto loot.

There’s clearly a system in place since when you kill non-giant mawrats the phantasm is automatically placed into your bag. Great.

Now add it to all the trash, going back to frisk every corpse after becoming a lawnmower for very screamy grass is incredibly flow breaking.

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Loving the ideas so far!