What would you choose for the next Plunderstorm?

Assuming Blizzard continues doing experimental game modes, what gets your vote for the next PvP option?

Personally I love aim-to-shoot but would prefer a typical Battleground format.

  • Something like 7v7 or 10v10 team size
  • Objective-based maps
  • Class-based
  • 10ish spells per class
  • CDs ranging from 1 to 30 seconds. Most being under 15, with 30 being an “ultimate”
  • No “RNG.” You get your spells at the start and pick temporary power-ups on the map (like Berserking)
  • Character classes are themed after existing and yet to be implemented WoW archetypes. Ex. Tinker, Warden.
  • Classes have soft-roles. So while some might be tanky and some might be supportive - There’s no holy trinity or required Role ratio for matches.
  • Character Customization based off WoW playable and NPC races. Cosmetics use similar themes in armor and mounts

What would you be interested in?

Idk if I’d expect them to consistently release new games like plunderstorm. I do kind of expect plunderstorm to become seasonal with rewards tied to renown for that season. Honestly I hope they keep it non-ranked with mounts and stuff just for playing. It’s nice to do a pvp mode that doesnt make me feel compelled to sweat over it really hard.

I’d for sure be down to try out a game mode with the stuff you mentioned though. A new form of wow arena with simplification of abilities and strats would be something I’d be game to spend some time on too.

Blizzard’s already mentioned more experimental content is on the way. And there’s a thing I was requested to not speak about that is kinda publicly available so I’m not sure why, but anyway, Blizzard seems to be entertaining the idea of cross-over games and content.

So I think it’s a possibility we wind up with WoW-skinned Moba/FPS/etc.

I mean if there’s a wow style pvp game that is kinda easy to get into that could attract newer players I’ll always give it a fair shake. Bonus if it has a “gladiator-esque” style mount tied to it since that’s what we all want anyways lol.

Could be fun to just do a standard moba format

I think it’s fine the way it is. Would like another map

Next up WOW Mobile.

Theyre turning it into fortnite with 5000 game modes to feed dopamine to the ipad kids.

I’d choose more PvP tuning and quicker reaction to situations like Havoc mayhem since late January.