What would it take to restore your confidence in Blizzard?

Riot stuff just seems incredibly lame to me, not that it’s much different than Blizzard stuff. Maybe it’s “like Blizz but without the nostalgia” for me and, without the nostalgia, none of this stuff would be compelling to me either.

Blizzard is already in ‘squeeze the whales’ mode, the stuff they are doing with the token is so subversive and horrendous – and they’re so greedy – that I doubt the game will ever return to what it was.

They’ve created a strange economic engine where people with less money than time pay for the game in tokens and people with more money than time buy tokens.

They can say they reduced gear drops to make it special, but you can buy a full set of crafted gear and a few BoEs to get your alt (or main if you skipped launch and just want to play with friends now) directly to LFR and M+ ilvl. The cost is around the gold you’ll net off a token, so people have a choice: spend hours grinding normals and heroics at 60 or spend the equivalent of a half hour or less of your time via money.

Unless you REALLY love doing the same dungeons over and over again to earn the special privilege of doing them AGAIN on M+, the former is very unappealing if you have the disposable income.

That’s just one of the things they did to drive those token sales. Killing off multiboxing had more to do with mat prices and token cycles than anything else – they are masters at making these changes that look good on the surface but actually serve their big squeeze.

You have a percentage of players essentially giving them free labor, supported by the people who give their gold real-world value via listing tokens. And both sides feel they are getting over

People will get defensive about this and say “but it’s so easy to make gold!” or “who buys tokens, it’s so easy to farm the gold!”

A lot of people buy tokens. It might be easy to farm gold, but Blizzard knows the whales have an even easier time making $25 to buy a token with. It requires no in-game time wasted AT ALL.

They’re capitalising on the die-hards having grown up and entered the professional realm of work. My bet is they keep squeezing harder and never let go.


does league of legends have lore

like I thought it was just wacky cartoon characters fighting in lanes, I need some lore about magical elves and goblins to get into an MMO


it used to… not

but apparently at some point they created an entire massive world that actually seems fairly interesting but i haven’t looked too hard at it because i don’t care about lol overmuch

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Remember when we spoke earlier about the fact that nine out of ten times Blizzard will do something that annoys the community without actually fixing the problem?

Here’s a great example I just read on WoWhead: Season 2 Keystone Master Requires +15s on Both Tyrannical and Fortified in Patch 9.1!

Blizzard, everyone involved with this kind of design decision should be absolutely ashamed. And I don’t care where it came from - top bras, Ion, Danuser, Steve from accounting. It’s a totally asinine decision. This is the kind of design that makes me say that SquareEnix, despite having some quirks of their own, actually seems to develop with my enjoyment in mind rather than the time I waste.

People don’t like running M+ in tyrannical because it feels horrible. It’s not a fun mechanic to have prolonged boss fights of multiple minutes, so much so that participation in tyrannical weeks always drops off a cliff. You have three possible solutions:

  • Fix tyrannical by reworking how it works.
  • Removing tyrannical and replacing it with a more fun mechanic.
  • Semi-force us into actually doing it.

Out of all three of those options, two of which are infinitely preferable for obvious reasons, you chose to just force me into something that isn’t enjoyable and which the community tells you isn’t enjoyable.

You know what needs to change for me to get a semblance of confidence back in any of you guys? That nonsense up there. The design that is now almost completely laughed about across the community. I won’t be forced into doing boring and bad content because a multi-billion dollar company can’t find the resources to fix an affix. This just ensured that my subscription isn’t coming back on for Shadowlands.


LoL has lore but it’s somehow even more generic and soulless than what we’re used to

dang :pensive:

as a personal fan of it, yeah.

i prefer lol’s storytelling to wow’s, but they also haven’t done any major projects yet so i mostly have only liked the short stories we’ve gotten thus far and the characters.

they also have the best character: a literal talking cat that goes on adventures and saves people.

ionia is snoozetown tho, ionia’s story is like “we’re the good uwu citystate when OH NO evil noxus attacked us :(” i hate ionia so much.

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to give you an actual answer, LoL has pretty comprehensive lore now since its universe revamp; the game is essentially non-canon beyond the characters it features which caused some salt from people who liked the weird perma-status quo that the original lore had

there’s a lot of short stories and introductions on their universe site, which i’d hand you the link to if i could but pretty much just google lol universe and it’ll be the first link

some of the short stories are hit-or-miss, but in general it’s pretty cool stuff and there’s plenty of wackiness going on since one of the universe’s main races are hypermagical hamsters who live in a foreign dimension and ghostcrawler’s heading the MMO so i’m sure it’ll be at least worth a visit when it comes out in 2094

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Here’s the cool map they made where you can look at the different nations and some links to stories from there. It’s pretty interesting stuff, imo, and gives us a hint at what our MMO world will look like.


Well, I will say this: Runeterra looks to be much more sensibly laid out compared to Azeroth, just going by climate, geography, and city placement.

Azeroth’s various kingdoms being composed of maybe four or five or so towns that are often located a significant distance from any waterway has always bugged me. And yes that’s the sort of thing that bugs me because I am, in fact, a big gay nerd. :pensive:


Every day they make it easier to turn my back on Activision Blizzard and never look back.


It did and then they retconned it and started retrofitting and expanding bits of the old stuff.

you don’t need to know any of this for Project L, the League fighting game tho


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Oh man, do you listen to Just Another Nobody’s quote compilation storytelling stuff by any chance? The Fiddlesticks one is spooky asf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2qsLCf3YtU

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I was actually thinking of doing a “Save WoW in 5 easy steps!” but there’s this thread is the work is already done!

  1. Actually listen to what the community wants.
  2. More customizations for all races (especially poor NB).
  3. Guild Hall and -proper- player housing. ( This is something that ESO, FF14, and SWTOR have had for YEARS. What’s Blizz’s excuse? )
  4. Acknowledgement that RP servers exist (And maybe actually enforcing those rules that supposedly exist.)
  5. A consistent storyline that is written by a team that isn’t changed out every couple of months. ( WoW’s story has felt all over the place since before BFA. )

If I think of more, I’ll add them later. For now, that’s what I got.


The makers of the sonic the hedgehog movie are more responsive to fan feedback than blizzard and that’s a little sad


I haven’t but thanks for the recommend!

I like Blizzard. I think it’ll be okay.

The amount of old sets in this game with missing pieces that are actually in the game files and appear in the game, but unavailable to players is a problem that needs to be addressed.

NPC’s should not have better transmog choices.


Call me crazy but in order to restore my confidence in Blizzard?

Have it split away from Activision. They’ve been getting bad decisions from them and make WoW a total mess.

If someone is willing to correct me, go for it. I MIGHT be wrong tho.

i like to keep my goals realistic

next BlizzCon i would need the heads at blizzard to come onto stage and basically just apologize for being alive, and to then turn their company into a worker’s co-op.