Riot stuff just seems incredibly lame to me, not that it’s much different than Blizzard stuff. Maybe it’s “like Blizz but without the nostalgia” for me and, without the nostalgia, none of this stuff would be compelling to me either.
Blizzard is already in ‘squeeze the whales’ mode, the stuff they are doing with the token is so subversive and horrendous – and they’re so greedy – that I doubt the game will ever return to what it was.
They’ve created a strange economic engine where people with less money than time pay for the game in tokens and people with more money than time buy tokens.
They can say they reduced gear drops to make it special, but you can buy a full set of crafted gear and a few BoEs to get your alt (or main if you skipped launch and just want to play with friends now) directly to LFR and M+ ilvl. The cost is around the gold you’ll net off a token, so people have a choice: spend hours grinding normals and heroics at 60 or spend the equivalent of a half hour or less of your time via money.
Unless you REALLY love doing the same dungeons over and over again to earn the special privilege of doing them AGAIN on M+, the former is very unappealing if you have the disposable income.
That’s just one of the things they did to drive those token sales. Killing off multiboxing had more to do with mat prices and token cycles than anything else – they are masters at making these changes that look good on the surface but actually serve their big squeeze.
You have a percentage of players essentially giving them free labor, supported by the people who give their gold real-world value via listing tokens. And both sides feel they are getting over
People will get defensive about this and say “but it’s so easy to make gold!” or “who buys tokens, it’s so easy to farm the gold!”
A lot of people buy tokens. It might be easy to farm gold, but Blizzard knows the whales have an even easier time making $25 to buy a token with. It requires no in-game time wasted AT ALL.
They’re capitalising on the die-hards having grown up and entered the professional realm of work. My bet is they keep squeezing harder and never let go.