What would a Bard class be for you?

Because I kinda get the feeling people think different things with Bards in video games.

I mean would you want someone that is practically those horn playing fellows from Monster Hunter?

Or would you wanna go more the classic DnD route where they’re kind of a jack of all trades with attacking and spell support? ( Or just basically being a giant himbo )


I’d want a Bard class to be like the one in Rift (although I guess technically that was a spec, since it was a “soul” in the Rogue class, but souls were more advanced than just specs). An actual support class, that buffs the group offensively or with healing. Sadly WoW’s gameplay has never really embraced that.


Bard from DDO, support class but still capable of healing and damage


Lower than a DH.

When I think of a bard class, I think back to Ultima Online where bards could tame creatures and have them be your fight pets (dragons and the black fire breathing horses called Nightmares).

So to me a bard in WoW is a Hunter (closest thing) and I’m confused by the request to make them some sort of anything class.

I mean, it could be a lap harp blade slinging fighter ala Kung Fu Hustle, but even pandas don’t know how to hustle like dat.

i think a bard would be a two spec support class that either did aoe healing, or aoe damage along with the support. they would carry a lute as their weapon, and would enable their spells through song.


I enjoy my Bard in FF14. When I’m not shooting monsters in the face with my sweet bow, I’m playing music at someone’s wedding.


If you want to do something truly unique with the class, it has to focus on support.

Specifically, the Bard would be a spellcaster whose spells are “songs” that provide either raid-wide or individual buffs to the rest of the party. There would also need to be some kind of damage abilities in there so the bard could solo while leveling.

In other words, you’re talking about Vanilla Ret Paladin mixed with Disc Priest mixed with Chakra Holy Priest, except the Bard doesn’t use the Light as his school of magic. It plays most like a healer but its primary mission is to buff raid damage. Secondary to that, the Bard could receive debuff abilities that would allow the target to take increased damage from certain players or the raid.

Other than that, you’re just talking about yet another ranged DPS hybrid with some off-heals, making him mostly an Elemental Shaman who likes music.


Or how about no bard at all, such an annoying concept.


Bards in EQ were a blast…once you remembered to turn off your AoE song when entering a town/city


A sword wielding rogue who can also sing and play to add buffs or medium heals to a team.

See when i hear the word bard i think about Bards Tale… Which most of you are prob too young to remember… with the old cassette and 5 and a 1/4 disc. I can still hear that bard strumming intro

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EQ had them down pretty good i think but i don’t know how that would work with wow, so yeah maybe more like Rift

Singing Justin Beiber songs.

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The problem I see with most bard ideas is that they aren’t based on any foundation of WoW’s canon. All currently playable classes (and most requested ones) are derived from the heroes and units found in WC2 and WC3; the RTS games. Bards have absolutely no presence in that era at all, and lifting their identity from DnD archetypes would probably feel like a level of plagiarism that goes even beyond the loving parody that WoW is typically known for.

Also, I’m sure plenty of people would feel like it would be a “slap in the face” if we started borrowing fantasy concepts from other IPs before we got pre-existing Warcraft ones like Tinker, Necromancer, or Dark Ranger.

Big brain time - get rid of sub rogue since Blizzard doesn’t know what they want it to be - make it the bard spec. Give them half spells, half rogue stuff, and some buff songs. EASY PEASY.

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a free kill for existing.

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Music-based ranged and healing spells. Music maybe based on race? Or zone? Ooo, zone-based music.

If they ever make a damn bard class everything it does should have a 3 minute cast time and silencing them should kill them instantly

On top of that the casts they attempt should do nothing

I will never not believe that the idea of a bard is to stoke people’s egos that play music irl