What worgen will you roll and why?

As for me, warrior and lock.

Because it makes sense for them to be furious like a warrior and lock just because it’s a weird and unique combo lol

Class: Priest
Reason: Don’t have a Priest


Druid because their forms are awesome and it’ll give me a reason to play on Alliance occasionally.


Rogue cause stealth animation.
Also wanted skinner/leatherworker

I’ve been thinking about starting Cata with a Worgen Fire Mage. Now though, I think I’ll do a Demonology Warlock instead and save the Mage for another character. I might also make a Worgen Assassination Rogue at some point.

I hope that they add the Human to Worgen passive.

Warrior is only 80 I do not have. so… maybe

This is what I’m going to roll…,

There’s going to be SO many Worgens and I’m gonna love it. It’s gonna feel like real Cata launch all those years ago, people only cared about Worgen lol.

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I still have my OG Worgen and Goblin I made years ago on Retail.
I still have my OG Panda I made (though I don’t see many of those running around any more in retail either).


I was thinking warrior, but I dislike the two-handed melee animation for a male worgen. I might create a hunter instead.

Edit: I made a warrior anyway.

ew alliance Furries. get lost.

Worgen make the alliance playable imo. Same reason why they made blood elfs in OG TBC. To make people play the other faction.

It’s different than the rest of the alliance. Which are humans, small humans, midget humans, human with long ears and arms and goat people.


Making a Warrior. Something different and a Class I have never played past level 30 since Beta 2004. :flushed: :grinning:

none cos they suck and have no tail

im doing druid, my friend is doing rogue.

we are doing a puss n boots + wolf the grim reaper thing from that last wish movie our wives dragged us to

plus youll have the most shapeshifting possible


See my main for the longest time, from Cataclysm all the way up to and including Legion, was a Worgen DK. But this time around I’m zugging as Horde.

Eat squash, lady!