What will you play as in Mist of Pandaria Remix (Pantrunning)? I probably going to make it my main in Warthin!

I am torn between levelling a Zandalari Balance Druid Dinomancer, or a Dragonmaw Orc Beastmaster that only tames Dragonkin pets or a Pandaren Mistweaver Monk. I definitely going to make it my Warthin main!

What about you guys think the best to fit the theme and what do you guys going to roll as?

Good news everyone!


Atm I’m planning to level each class unless it comes out that you don’t need to. This is what I’m going with:

Death Knight - Dwarf
Paladin - Dark Iron
Warrior - Mechagnome
Hunter - LF Draenei
Shaman - Kul Tiran
Evoker - Drakthyr
Druid - Worgen
Rogue - Gnome
Demon Hunter - Night Elf
Monk - Human
Priest - Panda
Warlock - Velf
Mage - Draenei


Will you get more character slots? This is the difference between me playing a little (one character) and a lot (like 10 characters). If it’s just one character, whichever race I can get the pinkest paladin (closer to blob shape preferred).


I figure I played MoP from the Horde side first time through, so for Remix I will play it on Alliance. Probably a Dark Iron Paladin.


So, I’m gonna do a gnome mage. That class set would look over the top and glorious on em. Mecha gnome monk. Same thing there. I need a kultiran priest too


Same. Plus, I have so many Horde characters that I really don’t need more.


Just had to read about it since I’ve been a little behind on news… can’t say I’m too happy with all this content they keep making that can’t even be done by current characters. This especially feels like some Diablo type season thing and I’m definitely not a fan of that setup.
That being said, if I do participate in it (unsure) I’ll probably just do an evoker since I didn’t play one past their starting zone after deciding I would never want to main one.


I played PTR because I wanted to try it out because I was unsure. Being able to use Dragonriding and normal flying once you finish the starting quests at level 10 in Pandaria, which can be skipped on your alts and being able to level by raiding sealed the deal for me that I will play it.

To answer’s OP question, I’m going to play as (Wildhammer) Dwarf Shaman riding a Gryphon because you want to be a Dragonmaw Orc.

Death Knight or another plate for the transmogs. My hearts with Lightforged currently.

While offtopic I do agree that this has been my experience too. That class just does not click with me.

I will be boring and make another version of my main (warrior) and unlock everything with that. Whether the other armor types are unlocked as well is irrelevant since I only have one character.

The original announcement did say you’d get more character slots. But within a day that part had been edited out. I don’t believe blizz have addressed it yet.


I will play a Gnome. That much I know so far lol.



Maybe they hired Peter Molyneux and forgot to restrict his account.


If it’s actually a blazing fast way to level, I hope to make many characters for this event. If not, I was thinking of making a Death Knight.

Then this is easy!


Not sure if I’m even playing WoW Remix. It’s a cool concept but unless I hear the raids are a lot of fun I’ll probably skip it since the mogs are meh.

Pandaren Monk. Gonna relive the old days of launch.

I thought of playing alliance at least, then saw there’s a horde-limited toy according to Wowhead…

Looks like the horde favoritism is still alive at Blizzard…

Anyways, when it comes to class, I thought of playing a mage since it my main, but if this is a time limited event, maybe its wise to play a toon which isn’t squishy. A class which could storm through mobs and quickly level the cloak for more exp gains, then maybe I could think of making a mage…

Right now im thinking worgen monk.
