What will happen to pvp titles in the new system?

Sorry if this was already answered, tried googling but couldn’t find a clear answer and couldn’t tell from logging into the PTR. With the new system, do we only get the title for our current rank, or will we get the title of our highest achieved rank? Would be cool to get our highest achieved rank title without having to rerank.

Since there is no rank decay, I’m assuming those who hit HWL/GM in new system will be perma HWL/GM title, which is cool. So would be nice for those who had it in the past to also have those titles without having to regrind it.

There seems to be caveats, but as far as I am aware of, are not known. The lifetime kills and current honor rank have asterisks next to them so I am sure there’s some conditions regarding them, but says you will ‘retain your lifetime highest rank’.

So if I take that for face value, I would presume you get back to your highest lifetime rank? Perhaps Kaivax could elaborate.

Either that or it just simply is saying where it is notated of your highest life time rank that it will remain as such. No clue tbh.

Yea, it was very unclear to me. I wasn’t sure if they were just referring to your lifetime rank in just the honor tab, which is like ok, but big deal who cares kind of thing. Title would be much more noticeable/important to people I’d think. But I really haven’t found any mention of titles themselves.

What we do know is, at minimum, you’ll retain your current rank and it’s not a total reset. So grinding back up should be easy if you do not reacquire your highest rank through this update.

When I first read that I thought it was saying you got your highest rank but rereading it shows that it probably just stays in that “highest lifetime rank” area like in the PTR.

I have a hunter I got to R13 pre-TBCC and when I first saw that I thought you’d keep the rank and I’d finish it up but I’m not reranking it from R1. I’ll probably just not participate again until the next season which was my original plan. If I was going to rank again in Era it would be with a toon I’ve never ranked. Your current** Honor rank is probably what we’re going to get.

The people I feel bad for are the ones who stopped ranking because Blizzard told them to and ate the decay, whereas the people who pay zero attention to anything and kept going get rewarded.

This is what I was concerned about, I don’t want to rerank my paladin from r1 to my previous r10, but this is how it was working on the PTR so I’m not sure that I’ll want to regrind it back up again, even if it is easier this time around.

Yep, I totally understand. I guess we’ll see next week.

I like Classic Era PVP a lot but if I were going to play any of my cloned toons it would just be to have fun in BGs, like maybe see if I still have it with my druid FC skills, and I’d do like a dozen or something on random weeks. That wouldn’t be nearly enough to rank very high. 500k at the top will still require time even with a good premade.

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