What will blizzard's next unreasonable bot fix be?

Because those tomatoes are being sold in the same store. From the same farm.

One tomato is a “museum piece” that is being changed into a fingerpaint mockup of a tomato.

Who knows what the motivation is for the Shadowlands change. Does the reason for the Shadowlands change have ANYTHING to do with Shadowlands at all? I highly doubt it. I think it is more likely the opposite; they are changing Shadowlands to JUSTIFY a huge change to their museum piece to solve a problem they created (and could easily solve) which is the allowance of Classic gold being sold to other players for game time.

Look up multi box moonkin farms. You are clearly ignorant to the botting problem/multi box problem in wow in general. Across both games. Any against the change to broadcasting software policy (you can still multibox) is just dense or has skin in the game.

Edit: OR look up Wintermaul Eko farms. You can loot this item used for a popular consume with an entire raid. Among one of many multibox farms that hurt the game. Granted of course they should continue to crack down on RMT or botting in general. Thing is multiboxing was being used by bots IN VOLUME.

Well retail is inflated what would the going price be for a token on classic?

I have explained what drives the multibox problem in Classic. It is the free game play allowed by Blizzard for Classic gold. That isn’t the driver for every possible problem with multiboxing, but it is the driver for the large scale scope of the problem. If you think otherwise, YOU are ignorant to the realities of the situation in Classic.

As for whatever is happening in retail, you are correct that I am completely ignorant. I stopped playing that game the instant Classic came out and have never looked back. I do not care what drives it in Retail but I would not be surprised if it has similar economic roots in the wow token (the worst Blizzard idea ever).

And no, I am not a multiboxer in the sense that I use broadcasting software. I have two accounts, both of which I pay for (though my gold income is more than sufficient to pay for both accounts if I wasn’t in protest of that behavior). This Blizzard policy change doesn’t alter my game play in the slightest. I do however know several multiboxers, and I know not a one of them would be multiboxers (at least not on the scale that they are) if they had to actually pay for all of their accounts.

Regardless, none of that has anything to do with my argument. My stance is, this is a heavy handed change to Classic, and the game as a whole, that is a “fix” to the wrong problem. There were no MAJOR problems with multiboxing for the vast majority of WoW’s history. If it is truly an issue now, there must be some policy that is causing the problem. Fix that policy, not the multiboxing itself.

Basically your saying re-design basic economics in the game and the whole game itself to allow a subset of the population to single play a MMO?

In what world does that make sense. Blizzard was ok with Mboxing when it wasn’t overly causing issues as nearly as bad as the bots are with the game. It now started to so they limited automation software and you would rather they redesign the basics of the game, instead of change a policy for a tiny subset of people that are causing dmg to the game?

That is not what I said. I said that the reason the problem exists on the scale that it exists is because Blizzard allows people to sell their Classic gold for game time (it is easy to do on Reddit and Blizzard has said they are OK with it). If this was against the TOS, this problem, at least in Classic, would not exist. That is a far better solution than changing something that was explicitly sanctioned by the PTB for the first 16 years of the game.

The change is blanket across the board due to botting if Blizzard is to believed and I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that because the Mboxing programs use the same kind of memory injections and tie ins the botting programs do as well.


But it certainly doesn’t have to be. I have given a much better solution that is more in line with the Classic ideal than the one they are implementing.

First, the ability to sell Classic gold for game time is no different than being able to buy Wow Tokens with Classic gold. In point of fact, it IS buying Tokens with Classic gold, just through a third party. This is against the stated goals of Classic and SHOULD be against the TOS. I assure you, this is doing much more harm than multiboxing (by itself) to the Classic economy.

Second, changing a gameplay method that was sanctioned in Vanilla is also against the stated design goals of Classic. It should not be changed for that reason alone. However, it also should not be changed for the benefit of those that find that gameplay enticing (and can afford it), for the exact same reason it was sanctioned by the PTB all those years ago.

Don’t fool yourself, they hardly do anything to bots. I remember reporting the same group of bots for a month and they were always there 24/7. Banning bots bans them 15 dollars a month. Think about it. They do have the cancel culture though, you can get anyone’s name changed or even guild name changed buy getting 50 of your friends together and all reporting the player, will auto change, ban, silence them or more. I don’t even think it takes 50 people.

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Blizz also says selling and buying gold is illegal but the same gold sellers are running ZG and Mara all night long. Money is money, every ban costs them money. It’s like me owning a shop and banning 20k people from my store because they annoy me. I would lose a lot of money.

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IS there a reasonable bot fix?

If there isn’t, why criticize Blizzard for trying?

If there is, explain it so Blizzard can use it.