What will blizzard's next unreasonable bot fix be?

Someone suggested remove the cap for people with authenticators, which is actually pretty smart. So their next move probably won’t be that.


You have no idea how awesome layering is on a high pop PVP server.

They’re banning botters and multicheaters with one go. I’d say thats pretty reasonable if you ask me.

What did a Multiboxer do to you? I just ran my alts through dungeons. That doesn’t affect anyone and certainly isn’t cheating.

god i hope so i am not rdy for naxx or tbc

What do you think you do to do before Naxx comes out? Why aren’t you getting ready then?

bc it involves me farming mara for 20 hours a day while the thing i farm gets undercut until its not worth doing lol.

Turns out it’s banning multibox software.

You actually think multiboxers are the ones ruining the server economies not the flyhackers selling carries for 200+ G per hour?

Thats…not even close to what I said…?

what i’m wondering is if their detection system can’t tell the diff between multiboxers and bots very well and rather than hit only bots they’d listen to what many have been asking and nix them both, it would be nice to be rid of bots, hard to imagine why else they’d make such a change, yes there are always groups for and opposed to any action but this one is a bit of an odd move.

and actually yes, those multiboxers with all AH and gdkp gear are ruining your servers. lol

What if they added some feature to detect bots based on the way they move around? It seems pretty easy to tell who is a bot based on their movement

Multiboxing (and the associated software that aids it) has been in this game for its entirety. It started in Vanilla and persists today. It is difficult to come up with a reasonable motivation to make such a change to this game that so fundamentally alters something that has been explicitly sanctioned for 16 years. Especially in a game which is purported to be a “museum piece.”

The reason they don’t do this is, it becomes incredibly intensive to the server CPU processor to track movement server side. If we had vanilla server sizes it would probably be easily doable but not with the mega servers.

Botting has been around for 16 years as well does that mean, they should give up on stopping that or changing how they stop it?

Botting has been illegal for 16 years. They should never give up trying to stop it. Multiboxing has been EXPLICITLY sanctioned for 16 years. Do you see the difference?

Never have you been so wrong lol.

Just so you know. There is this game called Battle for Azeroth, with a new expansion called Shadowlands coming out later this month.

This change in policy is also being used there as well. Where bots are also a problem still even with the WoW token. At least this is a bold move from blizzard to address these things even if it isn’t popular with those who just want to play an RTS in their MMO.

What does that have to do with the price of tomatoes?