What will be the fate of the Earthens?

Since they are going to say no! We don’t want the Earthens, but you think you can’t fulfill Metzen’s dream. Since this was Metzen’s dream to have a playable underground race.
Speaking of Earthen only people who use humans and elves wouldn’t like to play with an Earthen.
I already know that there are races that the wow community is asking for such as vrykuls, ogres, gnolls, saberons, maybe even a tuskars. But you have to look at all of Earthen’s Lore and see why they weren’t cursed By the ancient gods and what do you think?

I do. They look cool. I was cynical at first but they’ve really grown on me. I have several dwarves already, and these are the coolest looking ones we’ve had.

Having had a look at 'em on the beta … they are cool!
Like seriously cool!

Ya’ll who keep saying this need calm yourselves a bit.

My only issue is they cant be DK anymore

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I sense there’s something for everyone with the Earthen, Arathi, and Harronir. :robot::thought_balloon:

Would be cool if we can get those robot arms. :robot::+1:


Robot tentacles: for all your Doc Ock cosplaying needs.


I don’t like Earthen much either.

They’re a 3rd dwarf race. I mean, they are the coolest looking of the 3 races, I won’t lie. But it’s still just a 3rd dwarf race, and on top of that they are for some bizarre reason joined the Horde. A dwarf in the Horde just irritates me, its just not the Horde’s identity to have an Alliance race.

I dunno man, I literally don’t like anything about it at all.

…okay bro you’re gonna have to rewrite that because that sounds like gibberish

…heckin what?


Could’ve been easy enough as a Death Knight reviving the fallen Earthen if gathering the Horsemen were simple. :robot::thought_balloon:

I believe they even explained the Earthen Monks. :robot::thought_balloon:

Coulda even just done the easiest route and said they used death touched ore when they were built and theyre basically DKs in a different route

Saronite or something


The Kobyss are already necromancers corrupting the Arathi’s dead. Can be a cool encounter when these murlocs throw a death knight at us but that might be extreme. :robot::sweat_drops:

…they can already use light undead. :flashlight::robot:


A saronite dwarf is a great idea…

but what about a metallic thundering dwarf?

See, so many ways to make it work

But I guess it’d require blizzard to do a bit of writing so they gave up

The fate of the Earthens is to become clay for making pots and vases.

A new profession has been born! POTTERY!!

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