What was your vanilla realm?

Dalaran : Alliance: Blades of Darnassus which merged with Darkmoon

Moon Runner: Horde: The Golden Horde and IKON.

Llane. 10 characters.

*Casts Curse of Exhaustion on you *


Or am I thinking of another HWL shaman? :stuck_out_tongue:

I keep thinking your name started with a ‘Z’, but can’t put my finger on it…unless Yaka was your name and I just can’t remember.

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Zuuji is all that’s coming to mind!

Bah, nevermind.

I played on Arthas as a Gnome Mage in Vanilla.

I would often sit in the middle of Booty Bay out in the water on weekends casting Pyroblast at low level Horde twinks trying to get their fishing items. You can easily leash the guards in the water by just going out to sea.

Was a good time, but it was a double edged sword as everyone on horde stopped joining the 19 bracket. I remember waiting hours for ques only to have the BG close due to not enough horde players.

It is fairly next level trolling to que up to a BG and leave just to reset a Twinks 2-3 hour que time.

Carebears ftw! :rofl:

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Illidan server Alliance on 2004. Smashing horde and hardcore raiding. Server is like half dead on Cataclysm for Alliance. Held on to it till Pandaria. Moved to Stormrage after that.

Started in BC.

Fenris, I was on fenris horde

Scarlet Crusade. Looking at the server options at start, I read the description of RP server, and it said something like… Do you want to be a part of an immersive interactive story? I said hell yeah! I love RPG’s like Baldur’s Gate. So I ended up on an RP server for the next 6 years, formed a raiding guild, killed a bunch of bosses, had lots of fun.

At some point, someone explained to me what “RPing” was. And on a few occasions, someone joined a pug and started talking like they were reading a Tolkien novel, and then looked as us with indignance while we talked about game mechanics, specs, and the newest patch changes and the results of recent RL sporting events. But that was the only time I ever ran across any of those people.

Lvl 60 Human Paladin Cronox

Server : Wildhammer
Guild : Fist of Entropy

I don’t remember because my initial account was lost. Turns out when you buy a speed leveling service online, you’re actually paying for them to make an advertising bot who will spam Trade chat with stuff that will get your account banned. Buying gold probably didn’t help, either.

The first realm after making my second account, though, was Downhammer. Er, “Doomhammer”.

I played a while before TBC came out because my dad thought it would be fun (so I shared his account because I was just a wee youngin). My initial vanilla realm was Anvilmar. Played a Nelf druid.

Gorgonnash (Gnome Mage) and Blackwing Lair (Undead Priest)

The one and only! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Started with a ‘Z’ huh? What other HWL shamans have you been cheating with?
In all seriousness, it’s awesome to see your name on here. Mayhaps we will run in to each other again in Classic!

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I remember you, Kerg, from Scarlet Crusade, although we ran in different circles :slight_smile:

I thought I already replied on this thread but I can’t find it. If I did, I apologize.

I was Shui/Shuima on Wildhammer Alliance

We were so bad, but we had a blast lol

I started on SC and moved to BWR as well, but ended up moving back to SC in WoD.


Hello fellow SC’er!


Hi fellow SC’er!

Oh, uh…I mean yes, of course! :sweat:

But yes, there’s a chance. I’ll be waiting for an RP-PvP server…hope they end up having one.