What was your first wow Beta invite

Or are you still waiting to receive one from any expansion?


I’m pretty sure Cataclysm was my first beta invite:

I think the first PTR I downloaded was for WotLK, since I still have the installer stub:

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Still put in and waiting for the day. I figure if you don’t opt in and try then no reason to complain, ya know :slightly_smiling_face:

Never put one in because I knew I wouldn’t get it/wouldn’t put any useful input in

MoP, but as I’ve noticed they don’t listen to feedback. Even from the creators they used to have shilling for them.

So at this point betas are only useful for knowing how they’re gonna screw things up ahead of time.


Got to play Cata beta. Have had invites to beta ever since then, I believe.

I remember the starter area of MoP was nothing like it was when it went live. And Garalon (the big bug boss?) was trying to eat his way through the wall in Valley of the Four Winds.

In Cata, I kept reporting all of the grammar mistakes. Some still went live.

Legion, we were all supposed to meet at X time in Dal, for a test with the Devs… aaannndddd it got cancelled. I ended up kiting demons to the middle of new Dal, where everybody was, before the beta servers went down to fix whatever it was. :rofl:

TBC was my first. Followed by MoP and BfA.

As great as it is getting an invite, it whomps at times when seeing the feedback reported in game and on the expansion’s beta forums not listened to.

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WoW Beta. I remember running around on my Paladin, reading chat, and wondering what these “talents” were, as Paladins (and I believe Hunters) had no talents yet at all at the time.


Realistically, the betas are not for design feedback. All of that is largely set in stone and only very minor changes can be made.

Beta is for finding actual straight up bugs and stress testing, and that’s literally it.


Wrath was my first beta invite

Legion…have received one for BFA and Shadowlands as well…we’ll see about DF…


I don’t remember if I actually signed up for the TBC beta or was even aware that players could do that, though. My general awareness of all things WoW skyrocketed between the end of Vanilla and the end of TBC.

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got 1 for WoD, Legion, BFA and SL :man_shrugging:

My first World of Warcraft beta invitation was for Mists of Pandaria as I had signed up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass back then.

Getting the Annual Pass was a sweet deal back then as you got the mount Tyrael’s Charger, A free copy of Diablo III, and beta access for Mists of Pandaria. The only terms you had to agree to was to have a subscription for six-months.

Since then, I’ve been invited to every World of Warcraft expansion beta test including all versions of Classic World of Warcraft.

I’ve also gotten invited to the beta test(s) for the Blizzard App before it went public, Diablo II: Resurrected, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, StarCraft II, and Warcraft III: Reforged.


Yeah that was my first as well because of that sweet deal. Since then I’ve gotten Legion Beta, HOTS Alpha/Beta, Overwatch Beta, HS Beta, and D3 Beta

The promotion was to subscribe for 1 year. I wish they’d do another promotion like that again.

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Legion Alpha, got invited to BFA beta but didn’t play it and played SL Alpha/Beta.

WoD was my first. Was also the first one i tried to get in.
Have been in every one of them since. Though SL I was invited very late. So I didnt do much.

Cata I belive. I was still a noob from BC didn’t know how to apply for beta when wrath was otw.
Been in each one other then SL beta.

Explains why it was the worst expansion :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I played on a friends beta account in Vanilla, my personal first one was wrath. I’ve been in all of them since, with the exception of BfA.

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