What was the GOAT game of 1993?

What was the GOAT game of 1993?

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For me it’s Super Street Fighter 2, closely followed by MK2.


Ninja turtles was my game back then. But I was also 7 at the time and loved ninja turtles. Though to be fair the 80s movie still holds up this day. So many jokes I didn’t get as a kid.

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Jumpstart games and Caspar.

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Talk about a good year… you’ve even missed some bangers from your collage - X-Wing and Sam & Max were both 1993 as well, as were both Master of Orion and Simon the Sorcerer which I always heard good things about (but still haven’t played). Syndicate was another 1993 release, but I could never get into the original as much as Wars (both are better than the FPS reboot).

Probably spent the most time playing X-Wing, but I’ve completed Gunstar Heroes the most times (co-op is always better).


Hard to argue against Doom in my opinion. Mega Man X is my favorite on that list though. I played a lot of Ninja Turtles as a kid as well.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time on Super Nintendo.

The following year in 1994 The Lion King game became the bane of my existence. As it was for most people

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Almost all of those are console games. Where is King’s Quest 6, Star Wars Rebel’s Assault and X-Wing, Gabriel Knight Sins of the Father, Might & Magic darkside of Xeen! Ultima Underworld 2 also hit that year…and the best of 1993…

Ultima 7 part 2 The Serpent Isle and its expansion The Silver Seed. The games that made Richard Garriott want to create an online world that could be continually developed which invented the genre known as MMORPGs. Ultima Online.

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There was another image of more games this year what I saw on Twitter.

I remember that there was Breath of Fire when CAPCOM made real JRPG’s games and not the USA crap of Monster Hunter and Dragon Dogma.

Wut? Monster Hunter was created by Tsujimoto for Japan, based off the Manga craze of the time. Dragon’s Dogma was created by the same person behind Devil May Cry on systems he could not get into part 2 and again steeped heavily in Japanese themes. These were also made during a time when the classic style of JRPG was in decline in Japan when more modern RPGs were selling far more.

Where you pulled the idea they were made for “USA” I have no idea.

Betrayal at Krondor.
I think it was 1993’ish.

is that you see the difference between the 2 CAPCOM RPGs compared to the true CAPCOM JRPG, it has a TOTAL difference, and no, it is not that the battle is not in turns, it is many more.

And that, I see them more like Dragon Age or a Mass Effect than a true JRPG that is more suitable, and even the latest Final Fantasy maintains its essence by moving away from turn-based battles.

The entire Japanese market evolved. Look at how Final Fantasy changed from the 1980s into the late 1990s and then again in the 2000s. Go compare US based RPGs from the 80s to the 90s and into the 2000s…in fact, Monster Hunter does not resemble US made RPGS of the early 2000s like The elder scroll games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim), The Fallout games, The Witchers, KotoR 1/2, Baldur’s Gate 2, Fable 1/2 and the list goes on and on.

It was not made for America. Why you are trying to cling to that is beyond me.

It depends, but I don’t want it to be another based turn like an old school JRPG, but rather for it to be adaptable and look like most of the JRPGs that Breath of Fire made in its Snes and PS1 days like Final Fantasy now, although from its agenda it seems that CAPCOM is not there. for a Japanese and anime style now.


There is no one anime style and Monster Hunter is heavily steeped in Manga. Heck the most popular Anime going right now is Attack on Titan, which is a Monster Hunter copy, Demon Slayer is right there in terms of popularity.

Anyway they made old school JRPGs like Cross Edge in 2008, Last Ranker in 2010 and they bombed. Why should they keep making the kind of games that do not sell because they are way out of style and that is why not one in over 20 years have sold remotely well.

And do you know what was the most despicable thing that CAPCOM did along with NAMCOxCAPCOM and its sequel when making these JRPGs? The thing is that they never put any characters from their own JRPG at that time like Breath of Fire as if they wanted you to forget about it.

And the worst thing that Last Ranked got was the portable version of a console that was being torn apart twice by the NINTENDO portable consoles, which apart from that it didn’t publish too much so that it only stayed in Japan, which since CRAPCOM is so despicable in just pay special attention to Resident Evil and Street Fighter as if they were the only franchise games in their catalog.

and without forgetting how cheap and mediocre it was to make a Breath of Fire 6 mobile game that had nothing at all the style that the previous sequels had, so when CAPCOM had the true rival worthy of Final Fantasy, it preferred to make more of a JRPG focused on a common Western RPG even though it comes from a Manga, and forgetting the real one that was very well known.

but what do you know? The copium fans of a game that never changed like a POKEMON can’t compete with a JRPG that showed the true art of Japanese fantasy and the best dragon lore in the history of fantasy.

I get it, you are a fan of old school JRPGs, but you need to move on. The games were not selling well anymore. Much like the old God Box D&D games of the 80s and very early 90s and so many other niche game styles.

The point was, they did not do it for Americans. Japanese gamers evolved and the Final Fantasy series helped do that along with the evolution of the Y’s and Phantasy Star series. All the top JRPGs evolved and so the genre followed just like the D&D games in America did from gold box into a more modern style.

Hell, try to compare Ultima 1 to Ultima 9, or Elder Scrolls 1 to Skyrim…times change. All these games series started back before there were Graphics Cards and JRPGs stayed trapped in an 8 bit box.

or Darksun, but I’m not talking about keeping it oldschool.

As you say: JRPGs evolved and so the genre followed just like the D&D games in America did from gold box into a more modern style but they were not replaced.

What CAPCOM did was replace it, not evolve it, so that did make me angry, CAPCOM had a good JRPG that showed gameplay, but despite the bad moments of the PS2, it was not necessary to replace it, that’s why Dragon Dogma and Monster Hunter did not It is the true JRPG essence that CAPCOM was showing.

D&D is a vast world with many writers and stories to retell.

Your argument went from old school JRPGs suddenly to just wanting a sequel or remake of a game as if it was the only one Capcom made. Capcom has a bunch of RPGs…not just one and they have stopped making many of them.

Anyway, this is way too played out. Time to move on, the games were not made for the USA and that was my contention.

You’ll say, CAPCOM HAS A LOT OF VIDEO GAMES IN ITS CATALOG, and it only cares about Street Fighter and Resident Evil, I don’t know where this is going? but it’s not about money, it’s rather a lack of creativity.