What was Sargeras plan if Void would hid in Shadowlands

Yeap… Don’t get me wrong Avengers was awesome, but it’s rather telling they have to pull the old Superman Cliche.

If you’re not familiar, in most Justice League movies they have to get rid of Superman for most of the movie. He’s off on another planet or he’s missing after stopping a comet from hitting Earth or w/e. The reason for this is things that would challenge him would 1 shot most of the league. So they struggle and fight for most of the movie then he swoops in and they finish everything in 5 minutes.

They did the same thing with Captain Marvel. (Earth isn’t the only planet that’s struggling. No but we are the planet where the guy who killed half the universe is. Think that might take precedence?)

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It really cheapens Falcon and the Winter Soldier for example because as good as it is, you just know Hulk or Thor could just show up and roflstomp everyone and save the day in 5 seconds.

Every superhero story has these issues.