What was Pandaria called before the Pandaren revolution?

When Mogu ruled over what we now know as ‘Pandaria’ what did they call it?

Given the vast hubris of the Mogu, I highly doubt they would had allowed it to be called after the vast majority of their slaves & “lesser subjects” to the namesake of ‘Pandaria’.

As per ‘Vol’Jin: Shadows of the Horde’ page 167:

  • During the reign of the mogu empire, “Pandaria” was considered the vulgar name for the region. The mogu carefully guarded its true name to the point of not even revealing it to their Zandalari allies.

So it made me wonder what they called it instead :thinking:

It’s been quite sometime since I played the expansion or dabbled through content, so can’t recall too much on names or references to what they had called it instead whilst during their iron-fist rule over the region — Any ideas?


“We won’t even reveal the name of the land to our allies and no Pandaren historians even know it”, to me, reads as “The writers didn’t think of it and it wasn’t even a thought in any of their heads until this novel was written”.

But it’s probably some Mogu name that translates to “Eternally Blessed Land Sculpted by the Hands of the Gods” or something equally verbose.


Huh, hadn’t seen that excerpt before. I always headcanoned that the etymology was supposed to flow in the other direction. That is, that the continent was named Pandaria first and the pandaren wound up referring to themselves as a people of that land.

Kind of a draenor/draenei scenario here.


We don’t even have the Orcish name for Draenor.


They just called it pandaria but made up that rumor because they were ashamed.

Mogu Empire

And it still makes me mad. All races of the world bar Orcs have it’s own names.




That’s what they called their empire, not the continent itself.

Honestly, I’d imagine something like ‘Mogulia’ - as a reference to Mongolia, would be something that they had named it.

  • After the grand revolution however, I’d wager all the races whom were freed from the Mogu tyranny would have given a nod of credit to the Pandaren for being the bulk & pillar of the revolution; thus for the most part collectively agreeing upon the name ‘Pandaria’

Lost to history. Or they were just lazy just like we never knew the Orc word for Draenor.


I mean, there’s still Mogu present who existed during the revolution.
So it’s less lost to history & more neglected to be mentioned.


As for the orcish name for Draenor, they may had used the name utilised by the Ogres – Given they were under their thumb or lived in close proximities in many regions.

  • The ogres called the world ‘Dawgar’ (meaning “The Known Earth”)
  • Whereas the Arakkoa called it Rakshar (meaning “The Sunstone”)

Personally — I thought it was interesting each branch of people had a unique name for the world. Felt much more real in terms of social constructs, than everyone from all foreign nations seemingly having the same name for the world :joy:

The orcs used the ogrish word for Draenor, which was “Dawgar” (Translating to “known earth”).
Edit: oops, missed the post above.

“Ours” Or the domain of whoever was ruler at the time.

Thunder King: “We shall call this place – ‘Mogu-land!’ … for it is our land.”

Xuen: “I don’t know, that sounds pretty unimaginative & terrib–”

Thunder King: “DIE!”

Pandraria probably was called by its old titanic sector designation, whatever that was. They saw themselves as the true inheritor of the will of the Titans after all.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing tbh.

Sounds like overcorrection for how silly the name “Pandaria” sounds.

It’d be worse if you pronounced it the way you pronounce diarrhea. Panda-ria.

Now that thought lives in your head. Enjoy it.

That makes me wonder what they told their Zandalari allies if they ever asked where the Mogu were from.