What toon should make for the war within?

TLDR: Which class would you choose for The War Within as a thematic character?

Hey guys, returning player after years, quit playing at the end of Legion. I’ve been gone so long I forgot how to switch my toon on the forums, haha.

Anyhoo, I’m not really a role player, but I do like to have thematic toons. For example, in wrath, I had a paladin and a DK. In MOP, I had my Pandaren Monk, etc.

In this newly announced expansion, I’m torn. It seems like it’s going to be Underground, so I feel like I should make a Dark Iron Dwarf, but it might also be kind of elemental so maybe I should make an elemental shaman.

Plus if you’re a D&D fan, you could make a night borne or whatever they’re called to be kind of drow-ish.

But like I said, in your minds, which race/class sort of “fits” the xpac in a thematic way?


The War Within… a war within the planet and war within the self… I’m really looking forwards to this one in theory.

Horde, because I want my found family back!

Darkfallen, Elves subjected to the nightmare of being killed and then raised from the dead. Blood Elf it is.

I’m hoping for Shaman, because I love the class, it also fits with the war within concept as by the lore a Shaman’s job is to manage the elements to keep their eternal war within the elemental planes from threatening the mortal realm.

If not, I’ll probably go with a Survival Hunter, a combination I’ve recently found a head cannon I could enjoy. Hunters are basically about the war between the animal and the civil within all people.

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Yeah I thought about an elemental shaman as well. Haven’t dusted mine off in a decade. But I’ll probably make an orc shaman because dranei are more…paladin-ish.

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With Xalatath and Alleria’s involvement Void Elf would also be appropriate.


My characters tend to be largely independent of the expansion itself. I played a Pandaren from the moment they released all the way to Dragonflight, and I’ve mained Evoker through it.

I may switch back to my Pandaren, but I’ve come to love playing this new Forsaken DK. Tough decision, depends on how I feel then.

Forgive me, as I don’t mean to sound condescending, but…you are aware that Dark Irons can be shaman, yes?

That aside, I get where you’re coming from with thematic choices. Druid for Ardenweald, Warrior for Maldraxxus, etc.

To your question, though? Bronzebeard dwarves fit it amazingly well. A lot of people overlook in WoW just how big the Bronzebeard focus on archaeology is. I would also argue Kul Tirans, given their love for adventure and exploration. A similar argument can be made from Wandering Turtle pandaren. Tauren (and Highmountain) could easily be drawn to finding out more about what’s going on in the earth. And…as much as it pains me to say it?


You have a whole new area to exploit explore that likely doesn’t know about some of Azeroth’s stringent laws about regulation and business? A bunch of rubes who probably haven’t ever had to do real business? Some yahoos who would probably pay hand over fist for some rocks if you told them they got special properties by being exposed to the sun?

Yeah. Goblins would be all over that.