What to play?

Enhance Shaman
Rogue (I heard they were in TWW)
Unholy DK

Leaning towards Enhancement Shaman but not sure how they’re shaping up as I haven’t touched retail since December.

Rider of the Apocalypse Death Knight looks cool.

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my buddy was just chatting about this with me and that capstone ability where all the riders show up sounds so cool

Ret paladin.

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It does look cool.

I am not sure about being on a mount all the time though.

It seems like it would get annoying especially in smaller hallways.

as a paladin where charger’s are so thematic, I would love to have a cavalry combat mode on some CD every now and then

though, for some paladin’s and their racial charger…that may be ridiculously annoying

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Is the DK combat mount on a cooldown?

Go Sub Rogue. :grin:

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i actually don’t know how that works…lemme see if i can find info on it.

is this it?

this looks awesome, too, for OW stuff

you can look at the talents here, too:

Oh wow so it’s on a CD indoors that sounds dope.

Hmm that might be the play. Although I like Unholy more than Frost.

They cannot mount indoors just like normal, so they’ll switch to the other talent in that choice node.

I got a solitaire card game from steam for free

4 suit spider is the real skills challenge

mythic anything just can’t compare

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Well rogue is okay, I mean they are doing fine on the damage meters. Kinda middle of the pack you know.

Enhancement stormbringer feels really good if you really like to spam your abilities nonstop (I do, so I like it, I know not everyone does)

Unholy dk has permanent mounted combat if you go Rider of the Apocalypse

Finally, if you care for quest dialogue, if you are playing an ‘evil’ class than there is an extra quest you get to prove yourself. That is dk, warlock, spriest, and dh. I’m pretty sure all void elves get that quest too.

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