What to level next?

Ok looking for best options for success in arena in season 1? Working on my rdruid, but want to know what I should level next? Here are my options:

arms war
affliction lock
resto shaman
shadow priest
rogue (any spec, pick whichever is best)
frost dk
havoc dh
mage (whichever spec, pick one))


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Rogue. Viable every season.

Unholy will be much better than frost?

Play a healer we could use more

Are you looking just based on performance? Then it’s DH on your list. Granted that answer can change quickly if they ever throw out any balance changes.

Just want to play the most broken thing currently? DH.

Want to play an insanely strong spec all around that is a bit too strong atm? Shadow priest.

Want to play a class that has multiple insanely strong specs and is relatively simple? Warlock.

Want to play SL season1? Sub rogue.

Want to play mage and be blizzard’s favored child? Arcane mage. (frost is ok too)

Want to walk around the arena and pretend pressing death strike is skillful counter play and be damn near unkillable? Unholy DK.

resto druid is my main this exp

Thing about Mages and Rogues is there’s 3 dps specs so one is bound to be good at any given point whereas the rest are just one specializations.

Answer is always rogue. DH will get nerfed but rogue can’t be nerfed, will be overpowered entire expansion.

arcane and fire are hella fun

Really? I heard fire is terrible right now? No?