What to do with old computer?

i don’t plan to keep it or save parts. it’s dusty and dirty AF as well and i didn’t wipe anything off of it cause well it just broke down months ago which i knew was coming.

so i am wondering is it okay to just throw in the trash? it’s a super atx btw this thing will take up maybe 75% our trash can but we have 4 so not like it really matters just wondering what others do with it/due to maybe theft kinda stuff ( i live in the ghetto lots of people dig in the trashes and take stuff off anything; just down the road got a bunch of old washing machines someone stripped it )

If at all possible don’t throw it in the trash. E-waste sitting dumps leeching chemicals into ground water is a huge problem.

Google for e-recyclers in your area. The best ones refurbish old machines for low-income communities or take them apart and make the parts available for repair purposes and the like. If there’s nothing else, Apple stores will take in e-waste and recycle it for you.


ty yea i normally don’t throw away stuff like this in the dump we take it to a landfill but we sort it out anyways and they just recycle it for us. nearest pc store that might take it is kinda a ways off otherwise i’d give it to them and they can do w.e. they want with it. but also its dirty af too i mean SUPER dusty and dirty caked on kinda stuff. lol

There are periodic electronic waste recycling events in my area, usually there’s one every month or two somewhere nearby. I’d pull the hard drives and do a secure erase on them before recycling. I wouldn’t worry about dust & dirt.


Try to send it to an e-recycler if at all possible. Even obsolete equipment has a lot of stuff inside it that can, and should, be recycled.

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thanks all just found one close to my house ended up messaging them as they’d charge a fee for pick up but idk how their drop off works looks like they only have small trash can bins and idk if they would take the case as is or i’d have to strip it.

hopefully they get back to me soon its just sitting in my room collecting more dust and space.

You could probably bring it to Best Buy for recycling, if they’re still doing that after COVID, if that’s easier for you.

They will take a certain number of electronics(as per their list) per day. Things like CRTs and big TVs are a no-no though.

idk if mine recycles at all but i’d rather not haul it into a best buy anyways i means it’s FILTHY… so i’d be ashamed lol especially how busy the one near my house is.

the other place is close to where i used to work not really a far drive just by the looks of the photo’s they don’t really have much to offer it’s kinda like just a drop off box and thats it. their drop off boxes though are those small blue recycling bins and this is a super atx tower so no way in hell i can drop it in their.

If it was me, I would take out the hard-drive and then set the computer/sans drive, next to the curb. Around here, it wouldn’t be long at all bf someone would claim it. Dirty or not, parts is parts.

Watch them go up in flames while getting some good shots in?

Unfortunately that doesn’t really happen. Back in the 80’s a couple friends & I took an old TV out to the country to shoot, must have been 25 or 27 inches or so, pretty decent size for a CRT. About as exciting as a wet firecracker - no reaction at all, the picture tube just suddenly had a hole in it. Wasn’t worth the effort of hauling it out there.

We are pretty lucky around here. The county takes old electronics now and they are recycled.