I love DR and have some sympathy for players that want to use their huge collection of mounts. DR has placed already known flaws with flying into the spotlight. It’s also clear that Blizzard can’t just check a DR box for old mounts since many aren’t dragons and that would feel silly.
Here are some thoughts I have about diversifying flight in the game where we get to use our mounts as well as making choosing your mount even more strategic while giving the hovering crowd something as well. Below each category are my thoughts on which existing mounts should be in that category.
Dragonriding (no changes except enabling in all zones where flying is allowed) - Speed up to +830% using gravity, updrafts, vigor, and TIME MAGIC. Updrafts added to old world maps as time/feedback allows? Existing Dragonriding mounts as well as older drake mounts (including mechanical drakes and the alchemy mount) once their animations are added or updated
Straight Flight (mounts in this category have 15 minute cooldown after landing, no hovering, rockets are slower to change direction, hitting the ground after takeoff dismounts the rider(s), enabled in all zones where flying is allowed except DF zones enabled in 10.x pathfinder update) - Speed starts slowly and quickly ramps up to +1000% (+1250% for rockets) until dismount Things like rockets and airplanes (are there any airplane mounts?), ideal for transcontinental travel and less so for local travel
Natural Flight (no hovering, enabled in all zones where flying is allowed except DF zones enabled in 10.x pathfinder update) - Speed +310% Mounts that are birds, hippogryphs, flying dinosaurs, etc. Constant flight with immediate direction changes. Remaining stationary or moving on the ground is allowed at Ground Only Mount speed
360 Degree Flight (hovering, enabled in all zones where flying is allowed except DF zones enabled in 10.x pathfinder update) - Speed +180% Gyrocopters, Mage discs, bees, flies, possibly other insects and hummingbird type birds if the mounts exist. Remaining stationary or moving on the ground is allowed at +60% speed
Ground Only Mounts (no changes) - Speed up to +110% Existing ground only mounts
Water Only Mounts (no changes) - Speed up to +150% Existing water only mounts
Mount equipment are now 1 per mount category
Summon Random Favorite Mount could have a filter with checkboxes for categories to exclude from consideration while not removing their Favorite status (for example I could want to use flying mounts but could exclude Dragonriding and Straight Flight mounts by unchecking them). The button could be a flyout that lets you summon a random favorite mount directly by category with an option to summon from any category.
Say what you think or if you have any other improvements in mind.
Why everyone wants to reinvent the wheel I’ll never know. Flight works fine in both forms, Leave them alone and just enable both. Put the money and time toward more content.
Imagine what the game could be like if they did not have to spend so much time on travel, devs seem to spend a way to much time taking flight away instead of building us a huge world. And letting us have fun.
I don’t think anything needs to be done, except to allow all mounts to be used with either dragonriding or traditional flight at the player’s choice.
Even if you were to try to change things, dragonriding is already better than traditional flight in 90% of situations and most of what you’ve posted here is a nerf to traditional flight.
Agreed. There’s nothing to this. Just allow both option. If you don’t like old flying then use the new. If you don’t like the new then use the old.
I don’t know why there’s even a debate. I find it strange people arguing against old
Flying as if they have to use it if it’s added. Just use the old flying, stop dictating what everyone should enjoy.
only possible answer is to not allow it for DF i mean it’s not a hard concept and does get better with glyphs but outside of that it is a struggle. glyphs are not hard to get. you also have gathering talent to help out. If it does coexist obviously it will be slower and people will still complain about that.
my 2c just have Dragon riding for the entire expac alone and after that remove it going into the next expac. concept is alright but imo isn’t for everyone. people won’t die from using it for 1 expac and if you are that dramatic of a person then idk you gotta rethink your priorities. despite idc for it and hated it at first i just got used to it. i often use the FPs though so i can AFK and lookk up stuff online.
Basically the game would have several different flight models. Different flying mounts would use different flight models. This would add much more depth to the flight system, while allowing both regular flying and dragonriding.
You’re making this much too complicated for no reason at all.
The only thing that needs to be “done” with flying is to enable regular flying mounts, period. No changes to how they work, just enable them in the Dragon Isles. The two types of flying can coexist without issues. They are each good at certain things and having both does not detract from either.
I don’t understand these type of posts at all. I think dragon riding is fine, it’s certainly better than the pathfinder stuff we’ve had to put up with the last four expansions. But if it’s all so amazingly wonderful, why the heck do our old flying mounts and standard flying need to be restricted?
Some of the suggestions you’ve provided are redundant like the rocket flight when we have Dragonflying, and some don’t make sense for WoW since … WoW isn’t actually a realistic game. Birds, Hippogypths, and so on, even Dragons, has been hovering in this game for quite awhile now. Not exactly sure personally why we need any of this since both systems will do just fine everywhere, but i digress, this isn’t the problem here.
To answer your question here, if these are just suggestions for options on how they wish to fly, by to talent into or toggle anytime we would like like how mount equipment works, then it’s not so bad.
However, if you’re just forcing it with no option to change anything other then the mounts themselves, then it is bad.
Change because something is old isn’t always good, especially if the previous thing works. And especially more so if the new thing doesn’t work as well.
I’m looking at you UI editor and Dragonriding’s Disconnections.
They… Bizzarely think that old flying is a threat to their dragonriding… Which it doesn’t. Both have their uses.
It also needs a de-acceleration key tbh.
And before anybody says it… I get you don’t de-accelerate a dragon, but this isn’t real life. Real life don’t have giant fire breathing dragons.