So, you’re an entertainer and you end up somehow getting some haters on twitter going after you because they don’t like something you did or said.
What do you do?
Do you assume a fetal position and cry? Do you beg for their forgiveness?
No, here’s a girl who tells you what to really do:
(Warning: Language)
This girl has born the brunt of attack after attack after attack on Twitter and rather than cry about it, she has advice:
Keep on swinging until you can’t swing no more. Be true to yourself, tell the twitter idiots to go get bent, and keep on truckin’ and to the aforementioned twitter people, she has additional advice:
You want to get better in life? Stop tweeting and do something useful with your life. You want to become famous like her? Put some work into it. Stop being jealous. Get up and DO SOMETHING instead of tweeting and attacking those who became successful.
This song is so powerful on so many levels. I love it!