What to do once level capped

Coming back to retail after playing wotlk. Can someone give me a quick checklist of things I should be doing once I hit lvl cap.

Im assuming your asking from a pve stand point.
1st if you havent you need to complete the campaign in every zone. It unlocks a good bit of content. 2nd youll want to gear up id focus on doing dreamsurge weekly and emerald dream dailies. You can get some decent starter stuff. Enough to get you into LFR. Past that id say try to get into mythic pluses. They are a very easy source of gear. If you have any quests feel free to add me Alderain#1463

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What Adriel said.

 1. Campaign

Quest your way around the zones to 70, following the campaign quests, the ones with exclamation in a brown shield icon. Then present yourself to Alexstrasza on top of Seat of the Aspects. Doing that will almost exactly get you to 70, and just about everything is locked behind completing it.

2. Dreamsurge and World Quests

Then head straight to the Dreamsurge event. It puts a Blue Circle on your map. This week it starts by Ruby Life Pools Flight Master.

Pick up the quests. There is an Event every half hour. If there is nobody doing it, use Group Finder to find a cross-realm group. The vendor will sell a 415 piece of gear for 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence, and a 424 for the weekly reward currency. Every World Quest in the Dreamsurge zone rewards 10 Coalescencs, and mobs drop it when the Dreamsurge is up, and those glowy green balls drop it when you fly through them.

Some World Quests will also reward gear, and are mostly fast and easy.

3. Emerald Dream

I’m not sure if you get the quest to open the Emerald Dream immediately, or if you have to unlock it through earlier campaigns. The quest to start it is Call of the Dream. Its World Quests give 415 gear, and there are three weekly quests that give 440+ gear:

  • Superbloom that you pick up from a little guy beside the tree that goes for a walk for the Superbloom event, and the weeklies
  • A Worthy Ally - Dream Wardens and
  • Blooming Dreamseeds
    that you get at the Central Encampment

4. Dungeons

You can also work your gear up through Normal (if necessary) and Heroic dungeon queues.

It’s Timewalking week this week, so that’s another source. There’s a quest from Kazra at the fountain in Valdrakken for 4 Timewalking dungeons.

That should be enough to get you into LFR and low Mythic dungeons.

5. Dragonriding

On the way to 70, or immediately at 70, prioritise getting ALL your Dragonriding Glyphs. It makes a HUGE difference,

To Dragonride, point your view straight UP, then hitSjyward Ascent two orthree times. Then point your nose down a little and glide.

There are campaigns for each of the pieces of patch content. If you can’t get to one of them that you think you should, pleas ask again! :smiley: