What to do during raid lockout?

So after ive finished each raid for the week and capped my conquest, what exactly is there to do? Justice points, honor, valor and conquest are useless once youre geared, reputation is unnecessary when you get raid gear. I find myself just making a new character or not playing after each lockout and debating giving retail another go lol. I feel like they need to add more things to buy with JP/honor, more incentives to farm rep etc.

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You’re not supposed to play this game for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Play something else. Read a book. Go outside. You are alive. Enjoy it.


I work fifo, 2 weeks away doing 12.5hr days with no internet access then 1 week at home, it takes a few hours to finish every raid and cap conquest, not sure if your assumptions come skill issue or what.

Bro quit lying, BH10/25 TOFW BOT And BWD plus running 3 or 4 heroics takes longer than “a few hours”. Lets assume that is true though, even know it isn’t, Maybe try clearing all the raids on heroic this week instead of of normal, might take you more than a few hours , you might not even finish your lockouts for the week.

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BH10/25 is literally 2 single trash mobs and a boss fight that takes like 5-10 minutes. BOT/BWD take maybe an hr or 2 each, tot4w is 2 boss fights without trash and doesnt take long. This is all implying no wipes, which my last raid lockout didnt have, besides a wipe on heroic halfus. Im still trying to find a guild that i can complete full heroics with that fits my work schedule.

Yeah i can sympathize with your schedule, that is rough. Take your time completing the stuff maybe, Personally, I wouldn’t run every raid in the same day. Maybe you can spread it out some, and maybe on times when you are locked out run more heroics to practice your rotation or something. I saw that you generally parse somewhere between 5 and 15, which typically means you are just entirely playing your character wrong. Id suggest spending some of that time looking at guides or videos to get a handle on that especially if you have any interest in downing any boss on heroic.

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Im a healer, only time ive played ele was when it was needed in a raid and dpsing with like 340ilvl with a spec i dont play doesnt surprise me lol.

Being able to play that offhealer/dps role in heroic raids is really important to be honest. A lot of fights where you want 3 healers so having someone who can switch between specs and be effective in both is really good for guilds. This is actually something I think that could be great to fill your off time.

Not a bad idea, i guess some weeks ill swap between dps/heals to get gear for both specs. Farming valor for dps gear will give me something to do for a lil bit lol

Surely you can find pugs doing heroics by now on your server besides atremedes/halfus? Barring that i echo whynotdie, learn flexibility so u can flex role, it makes it significantly easier to find raid slots/guilds

alts lol

well having 3 chars to feed is eating most of my sanity. although it seems to be 1 char short of full sustain

I’ll make sure to send a pigeon to Blizz HQ to tell them to change the entire just for you.

:love_letter::bird: :dash:

Gear your off spec. PvP. Alt. Play a different game. Go outside. These are all valid options.

I log in for 1 hour a day and work on rep, dailies, cheesements, etc. Fri -Tues otherwise I am working around the house or out with my horses, etc.

Yeah, totally depends on what you like to do, I guess.

If I had more time, I’d probably do a bunch of other things, but as it is, I decided to learn hunter, so I’m just meeting people, playing 2s and 3s and hope to improve, find some arena friends, learn some comps well and finish out the season with a respectable rating.


  1. Finish all the achievements
  2. Collect pets and mounts
  3. PvP

None of that appeals to me though. I raid once a week and that’s all I want from this game. Its a fun 4 hours.

There’s nothing wrong with raid logging, play another game.

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I 100% agree. These raids were done 15 years ago. Now it is all about raid logging for most. If you are new to Cata there are guilds out there just for those folks.

Play another game. This isn’t Legion or BfA, you don’t have to be logged on 24/7 or risk falling behind in the endless borrowed power grind. If you’ve done everything you want to do for the week then play something else

The Elden Ring DLC just came out, it’s pretty good. The new FF14 expansion launches early access in a few days. The Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remaster came out on Switch a few weeks ago