What to buy with marks of honor?

What should I buy with marks of honor? I only have 2 ATM but when I do get more what’s recommended?

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I spend mine on weekly bonus roll tokens and consumables.

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Collecting all the old pvp mog sets atm

Wait what? How do I do this? I’ve got hundreds of these things just sitting around, can I get anything good from bonus roll tokens?

370 pieces off the Arathi world boss once a cycle.

355+ off the normal world boss weekly.

If you PvE you can use them there too.

You can buy the tokens near the transmogrified guy. 2 per week. You can buy for gold, marks, or resources.

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One of these should always be a priority on new characters you plan to PVP on.


Pretty sure they work in rated BGs too, if you cap CP through them. I could be wrong. But you only get 2 a week, so use them wisely. Though they carry over to a max of 5.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about those. My Horde Druid and Paladin both have them, I need to buy one in this toon.

I’m not sure where it is red side, but blue side our weekly quest giver is near the transmog Ethereals.

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Same area for both factions.

Bfa leatherworking patterns can be bought with them too. Maybe other crafts. The horde vendor is kinda by the pvp chest area. No clue on alliance until I get around to leveling mine.

I wish we could just buy ilvl trophies and gem sockets instead of more RNG. I’d probably be cool if marks of honor just replaced conquest, as it’s kind of weird having three pvp currencies.

OP, you can also get a net-o-matic 5000 from Lieutenant Dorgen in new Dalaran. It costs 25 marks and can dismount flying players. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though, as you’ll also get a free one from an introductory quest in Boralus.

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I usually buy feasts and the health potion, because a healthstone once per combat isn’t enough!

You get these free now once you complete some PVP quest, I forget which.

Kill 1 person in warmode