Hi, i understand it is every 3 hrs but wondering what time in Aussieland/Oceanic
Also how many people to kill it ?
I saw a stream and they had a full raid group and melted it but also had 4 mounts drop,
Do more mounts drop per raid size?
Mount drop is personal loot, its just rng.
Beledars Spawn spawns when Beledar shifts. Moving your mouse cursor over the gem on the map in Hallowfall will tell you when it shifts. Most people join max sizes raids to find and pinpoint it for everyone else so you don’t miss it.
Edit: It is also tradable and I believe it drops again even if you have it learned. Players who get it again offer to trade it for gold to the rest of the raid because they are eligible for the trade.
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There’s also a timer on Wowhead’s front page.
Awesome cheers
Thanks all