What time will the game be playable tomorrow?

It says 19 hrs till release, which would be like 5 pm tomorrow

It’s already released, playable right now, and presumably still will be at 12:00am.

the new stuff goes live at 3pm PST.

Did you even bother to read the launch notes? Cataclysm Classic Launch Notes


Aren’t PDT and PST the same time?

0800 / 8 am Tue May 21st AEST
1500 / 3 pm Mon May 20th PDT/PST

Daylight savings time (as it currently is in places that observe it) is typically 1 hour different from Standard time.

Currently, I believe the only states that do not observe it are Hawaii and Arizona.

Inserts doom prediction not for 8 hours after release time here.

Who knows…maybe it goes smooth. That be nice actually.

Imagine asking a question on fourms when the question is answered with a google search lol

Ah that makes sense. Ty for the explanation!

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Or is right in your face on the launcher page.

Imagine posting on a level 10 alt.

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