What? They are reducing spellslinger damage?

I just want to play spellslinger frostbolt in 2s so bad. I’ve not played this entire expansion because your PvP team cannot get their shenanigans together. What the heck, blizzard? They are nerfing spellslingers, dam? It has less than 1% representation in 2S rofl.

Also, buffing orb damage and blizzard damage is so wild, that will force us to always blizzard when orb is out; also, does it even synergize with the cold front talent? Also, I already play Cold Front as a spellslinger… Like what? That is so bad; I only play it to slow them with concentrated coolness since it spawns on top of them with that talent. I do not play it for damage, though its nice extra damage in dampening. Maybe it will be good, but it feels like a waste of a global because blizzard only does like 100k damage and does not crit. Especially for those that play around orb with Cold Front. I don’t even want to press blizzard when my orb randomly comes out; I do not even play freezing rain some games, but now I will be forced to play freezing rain. Come on blizzard. What happened to flexibility. Gosh.

Can you just hire me to balance Frost Mage spellslinger? This is very sad!

Like the least you can do is make fingers also effect frostbolt crit chance… Gosh.

Who the heck is balancing this game and making it so trash?

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but why?

+1 tho I support spellslinger viability

I love Frostbolt, non-cleaving builds, I hate Frostfire animations, and I hate the fact that Frostfire cleaves and promotes a melee range playstyle with db+ring of frost and ring of fire every game. Sometimes, when you want to setup, you must db+sheep or ring. Spellslinger has more movement with displace/alter and a better option that does not synergize with db+ring of fire. I actually run Supernova 123 and Icenova 123, and masspoly sometimes to get sheeps off and control the team in 2s. The game should not even have CDR; it makes it really confusing lining up CDs and tracking trinkets with CDs/counterspells, requiring addons, etc. We do not even use badge trinket because it never lines up with Icy Veins properly because of shifting power. Also, having to track excess frost/fire is kind of garbage, so you do not accidentally break a polymorph, which they are fixing in the next update. Though 1 poly break in 2s as rogue+mage at 50% dampening or higher is pretty much an Auto L at 2300-2400 MMR and Frostfire makes it very hard to manage that. If you want to dampen, you also should not really be forced to play DB+Ring and should be able to supernova and icenova to control them at max range and run for eats.

I would rather max range with displacement and have fatter barrier absorbs when health is missing, etc. There are a lot of positives for spellslinger when playing with a Resto druid that Frostfire does not have. Though the lack of on-demand burst Frostbolt damage and dispel protection just makes it an awful choice in 2s. We can no longer Yolo block and send 5 frostbolts to kill an enemy, like we could in Dragonflight. Partly because the crafted neck is gone, but also because it takes 15 frostbolts to get the same intellect scaling as it did in DF.

It was 11:1 damage:intellect for Frostbolt in Dragon Flight 11.0 and close to the same in 10.2.5 with icy veins up and full stacks of slick ice(5); now its like 6:1 damage:intellect for Frostbolt with 15 stacks of Death’s Chill.

I mean, I agree with what you’re saying. But there’s a lot of stuff that is dogwater for healer 2s rn. Seems like an oddly specific ask.

I mean, I would prefer to play it with rogue too!

Forcing Frost mains to play Frostfire is a very bad thing once it’s not truly the spec identity or fantasy.

ah I see, you get it

cool that you really dig a hero talent build, I was feeling herald retri for a while, was fun

im all for spellslinger buffs, I just thought the emphasis on it being viable for 2s was curious

frostfire having been an identity as a hybrid build for like 7 years tho pre-cata?

still looks and feels a lot like a zombie iceman when I play my ud frostfire mage