What the official death heat map tells us

Oops, I apologize… it’s still early and before my coffee. Westfall is the destination.

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Don’t get me wrong, alive is alive. So I want to emphasize too that is important. But this is a weird conversation.

Someone is telling the story of their trial by crocolisk and Dragonmaw, where fear and excitement illuminate their footsteps across the Wetlands. They describe their cowardice and their bravery by doing it anyway, albeit cautiously—quick and clever, let’s say. And in the same conversation, there is a smarter and more cowardly approach to just swim.

I am visualizing Lord of the Rings, except instead of walking the entire way and facing danger, they just flew on the giant eagles at the onset and stealth bombed the one ring into Mordor. (Plot holes aside, one does not simply… I know.)

In that sense all of us have a clear understanding on the value of a great story, even if it’s not the “best” method. And I feel that’s something critical we’ve lost since the golden age. We can hat tip to level boosts and gear boosts and Disney Fast Passes™ which let you skip the line for a monetary exchange (bribe), but that’s an aside to the clear message: “We lost the journey for the destination.

If we are talking characters we’ve spent hundreds of hours on improving their status, safety is a higher priority. But we’re virtually talking about throw away characters that just started in Darnassus and can barely, if even, kill Hogger. Playing optimally here makes me wonder if we’re even playing a game—where is our freedom to experiment and adventure in a world beset with danger? Without that? Hardcore means nothing at all.

I wasn’t on about that at all, everyone should play their way in my opinion. My original reply was to Vanillataur on an optional path for Night Elves. Keep on trucking man.

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Oh no, not you! Sorry for the misunderstanding :slight_smile:

It’s all good! By the way, I quite enjoyed your OP. :two_hearts:

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I swam the Menethil Harbor to Westfall route (make land at the small boat on the shore in front of the crabs, not murlocs). It’s still a long and boring one for sure. :slight_smile:

But I grabbed the Menethil flight and will shortly get the Loch Modan flight as well, so that I can fly back and forth for required homeland trainings. It beats getting eaten by crocs/spiders/humanoids on hills when you least expect it.


Sounds like they don’t have time to play at all.

Sounds like people have work and families to take care of.

If you don’t even have 15 minutes why play? Sounds like people made their decisions. Those decisions mean they don’t have time for wow anymore.

Oh, I be SWIMMIN’ fam. :laughing:

He never said he doesn’t have 15 minutes, but that 15 minutes is a large difference. Some days I can play for hours and other days I can play for an hour. On the day that I can play for an hour, I would spend 1/4 of my time swimming.

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Awh boo the link doesn’t work for me.

Do you have to have a twitter account or something?


Skull rock should be purple

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