What the is going

what are you doing locking servers so I cant create characters on them? I cant create any characters on faerlina. normally blizzard has been ok but this is one of the dumbest decisions to put in how can you block characters from being made on a server. that never happened before. and its been months its been locked never been that long a server been locked


you cant lock the servers

people complain about a lot of stuff, the most useless stuff but are not saying anything about a whole server being locked down from characters created there, something thats never happened and it doesnt have a billion people playing there or is too much. never has the game company gone this far locking servers down for months.

Now i cant play on the server i want to play on. you have had freedom all this time since 2004 to play on what ever server you want. you may lock the server from transfers for a few weeks when its hot, but always opened it back up again. You have had these servers locked for over 3 months. You cant lock them and take away the freedom to play where you want because some complainers complained that their server was too low population. Thats not the gaming companies problem theres nothing they can do it thats a player created problem becsuse you have the freedom to play where you want.

Now youve taken the freedom away to play where I want. Thats angering and worth literally quitting the game for. You cant lock out a server after 18 years something youve never done before


It’s what players asked for when the queues got too bad. :man_shrugging:


Yeah they cant leave it like this theres no queues anymore its time to open thebservers back up so people can be free to play on them. Server has never been locked from other people creating characters there thats very bad. And its crazy how people complain about all irrelevant things but not that

They dont want you playing classic when Dragonflight is launching today lmao

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But if they open them back up, people will transfer to them and there will be queues again.

I think this blue post sums it up:

I’m sorry, but what’s irrelevant?

You’re complaining about not being able to create a character on an overpopulated realm. In terms of priority, where do you really believe your complaint lies?


It doesnt matter if theres queues honestly. Its not that big of a deal. Can’t stop people from making characters on servers thats something theyve stayed away from smartly and never done, and now theyve had these servers closed for months.

Thats the stupidest thing.

Ofc you they can. They did it before too

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Yeah but mainly locked it for transfers. Before this they never locked it to where you cant make a character on the server. They always stayed away from that becaude its so stupid and takes peoples freedom away.

And some “words” on the forums crying shouldnt make them change up. and theyve had these servers locked like this for weeksx 16

yeah they did


If it’s 30 minute to an hour, I think most people would live with that. If it’s 8 hour queues everyday during primetime, that’s not acceptable.

Letting it get to this point was pretty dumb, but locking those servers, that’s the least bad solution to the problem. If you had read the blue post, they don’t want mega servers to exist. This is the best way to phase them out naturally. Once the populations drop down enough, I’m sure they’ll at least open up character creation again.

You weren’t paying attention.


This is terrible they need to open the servers there shoupd be plenty of people crying about this makes no sense

Would a hug help, friend?

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Ah, this isn’t about logic or reason at all. It’s just about what you want.

Sorry, they probably won’t be reopening the locked servers anytime soon. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

the stupid thing was i always had characters on pagle and mankrik and they always had way more people than faerlina and benediction but theyve put the focus on faerlina and benediction and locked them. makes no sense. cant loco servers down for 3 months i might have friends there should be free to play wherever i want

the servers benediction and faerlina are at a normal population now whenever a new wow game comes out like wrath of the lich ling the servers are flooded and theres a bit of a wueue. but that never stays that long. its been 3 + months of making it so i cant create a character on that server or transfer. thats ridiculous they have never done that ever in this game. to do that now is idiotic. stop listening to the other complainers on this forum.

most of the people crying about stuff, are having i cant even say it on the internet theyre not very smart

your still posting like back in the burning crusade days I was looking on the forums and u were everywhere posting annoying spit. ur still posting. u have a problem man u need to put the phone down, computer down. super weird