What the hell i never knew Mathias and Flynn where in that kind of relationship

I dislike when an established character is suddenly gay for no reason other than outside influences.

Especially when they’re written by Madeleine Roux. If you search up their twitter history, you’ll understand why this is purposefully done to white, male characters.


This one understand where i was getting at.

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I can see that, gay or straight, bad writing is bad writing, though I haven’t seen this specific example I can understand that.

I think some homosexual relationships in stories feel forced sometimes cause the writer is banking off the “wow factor” or gimmick that it’s different than a “normal relationship” but now as it’s more of a normal thing, we see bad writing for what it is.

I don’t mind this as long as their are no conflicts with previous information or any retconning.

An example is Blizzard’s Soldier 76. I felt it was fine, if that same comic would have came out with a woman in the picture, no one would have batted an eye, but everyone freaked out that it was a guy, not really sure why.


How do we know what he was prior to this revalation?

I personally just thought he was a Alliance assassin who was lauded as a hero because he killed “the right ones”

What woman was Shaw or Flynn dating before BfA?


Shaw and Flynn would tell you… but then you’d disappear… just like all the rest.

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Shaw was married to his job.
Flynn was hitting on Bolvars daughter.


You know people are just gay, right? Or bi, in Flynn’s case. You don’t need a plot reason for a character to have feelings for another character. Because if that’s the case, can we get the Thalyssra & Lor’themar threads going? And the Baine & Mayla threads, and the Arthas and Jaina threads? Why are these characters straight for no reason? Hmmm. Really gets the noggin’ going.


Because if that’s the case, can we get the Thalyssra & Lor’themar threads going? And the Baine & Mayla threads, and the Arthas and Jaina threads? Why are these characters straight for no reason? Hmmm. Really gets the noggin’ going.

Let me explain. Well, you see—


The easy reply to this would be “Well I guess he’s bi/pan” but we as viewers assume it was a conscious choice by a writer to make characters more diverse for diversity sake rather than writing good characters.

While I haven’t read any of this, I understand the gripe with this kind of decision.

Feels like a business choice, not a storytelling choice.

Why did it matter enough to be put in the first place? I don’t care overall, I think WoW doing this stuff to cater to people will have more of a Negative effect overall than a good one(as most woke stuff does) but my point is, it should have never mattered one way or another, clearly it did. So now here we are.

Yup, exactly. :slight_smile:

As @Saphirr said, Shaw didn’t date, he was married to his job. Flynn was really into Taelia. Which I get doesn’t mean he’s straight. But the Shaw/Flynn ship was seriously not done well. I have zero issues with gay or straight or bi, just issues with poorly written crap.


I just wanted to make clear that I wasn’t trying to be snarky because I really don’t care if Shaw and Flynn are together or not. I was genuinely curious if Blizzard retconned something.

So none?

Ehh I don’t think that really proves anything.

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I don’t think anybody cares that you disapprove of two fictional character’s relationship.


I don’t like how some lore stuff is only covered in the books. If you only play the game, you miss out on stuff like this

I only found out from guildies talking about Shaw and Flynn

Well that’s all you needed to say.

I think we could say the same about many other relationships in WoW.
But only the non-straight ones seem to catch any real flak for simply existing.


Hrm? More context never hurts.

The point is. Shaw for example has no signs of his sexuality for the entire time WoW has been out. Suddenly out of left field he comes out and pursues a relationship with nothing to back it up.

That’s Harry Potter level of virtue signaling.


If you think Flynn was “hitting” on Taelia, honestly, have you never had a friend of the opposite sex? I didn’t even get a whisper of flirting between them and I’ve played the BFA campaign multiple times now.

Do you think waitresses are hitting on you when they’re friendly to you???