What the hell happened to the mail font?

There was nothing smug about what I said. My first response was just a simple reply for simplicity’s sake. And my reply to you was information to help people who may have a problem with the font change.

I apologize if you think it came across poorly.

I did for a while. Spend time mostly over on the CS forums now.

“Outing” what, since I’ve told people around here and CS who I was?

I’m not sure why you’re so angry, when I was nothing but polite in my reply to you. I hope you have a good evening.

Readability i would imagine. Honestly though, they should give us the choice.

I can confirm that person is Rhielle/Thallia.

Best to just put her on ignore since she’s always aggressive towards people or trying to start off-topic drama while pretending to take offense to be a victim themselves.

Okay, but the new font isn’t even dyslexic-friendly. b, d, p, and q, are all just mirrors and rotates!

Jesus I have to follow all of that just to undo Blizzard’s damage?

Like I don’t care if they want to make font options, but make font options, dammit.

Wait, this won’t even work. I just want to change the mail back, not everything.

i didn’t even notice the change.