What. The. Hell. Bastion

And that doesn’t strike you as creepy at all, huh? We aren’t talking about someone who is an employee being paid to do this type of stuff… but they seem to have been created with the sole purpose of wanting to do this.


-edits to add-

Vanthyr do the same thing with Drudges… but at least the Vanthyr arn’t pretentious enough to act like it is anything other than what it is.

No, the idea of people wanting to be helpful doesn’t strike me as an aberration that can only be caused by brainwashing, because unlike you I’m not a self centered asterisk who resents every moment my time isn’t devoted solely to me.

Well, how can you make that determination when we don’t even really know if they get a choice in the compulsion to ‘help’?

Also… to address your last comment, that is exactly what makes it creepy… because the purpose of the Stewards is to make it all about the Kyrians. It is a compulsion to these beings to the point where they get depressed if they can’t help a Kyrian.

In any other situation, this would be considered psychological abuse.

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Try disobey orders in real army at war situation

It’s a bug, they were supposed to be surrendering before dying. Sometimes they do, most often they don’t.

THought beating them in the first place is wrong anyway. What the heck was Blizzard thinking?

A lot of humans get depressed if they don’t have a job even if they have plenty of money.


You get your memories wiped and if you doubt the process you get put into re-education camp (Temple of Loyalty). The Archon is aware that the souls being ferried go to the Maw and doesn’t care about it. Bastion looks oh-so-pretty but in fact it’s a pretty messed up place.

Yeah, but that is a means to an end… but we don’t have any indication that the Stewards have any other purpose other than devoted service for the purpose of service to the Kyrians.

Sure, there are people who really love doing their job and would do it regardless of the pay… but those are by far the exception. Stewards, on the other hand, are a completely different story.

I would say they are the embodiment of the Kyrians (Service) except that, unlike the Kyrians, the Stewards don’t seem to have a choice in the matter. They have a mental compulsion to perform their duty.

It’s almost like

Bastion isn’t the good guys

and that the system of the afterlife isn’t just


That’s just a “come to Jesus” moment.

Hi Sylvanas.

I wouldn’t call it a mental compulsion. Just a different kind of brain. Like if you have an alien race that is warlike by nature is that a mental compulsion? The stewards just like to serve by nature that doesn’t make it something that is being forced on them.

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Right? And as the player we’re just expected to help these guys without question. Its like this part of shadowlands was written by or to appease the CCP and winnie the pooh.

bast “evil people” kind of havea point. why loose your memories. memories are what make you… you

ifi went to bast i wont refuse to loose them

Also illidan

but yeah, I wish they didn’t polarize radical characters by making them do unjust things to stop unjust things

Or maybe Sylvanas is wrong and the afterlife operates just fine.

Not sure what to call it when you have a psychological reaction (aka depression) when you can’t perform a certain action (aka serve Kyrians).

There is a difference between being predisposed to something (more akin to the example you are trying to make) and having a compulsion to do something.

it clearly doesn’t as presented by the story and quests

ardenweald seems like the only one that’s fine

You mean the one that’s the most deeply affected by the anima draught? Yeah, they’re just peachy atm.

morally fine, not healthy, lol

What are you talking about? Anytime someone has a strong desire to do something and can’t it leads to feelings of depression. Back to my previous example if you have someone that is a warrior by nature and they can’t be a warrior they are gonna get depressed.