WHAT THE F ARE u guys doing?

Holy Paladin then holy priests were the meta mythic+ healers all of shadowlands and neither had a battle rez or Lust…

Does that really matter? Like are you trying to just argue for argue sake? BTW - you only need 1 brez/lust in the group so if the meta has that (ie warlock, mage, hunter, dk, etc) then… eh - wtf… You didn’t even address the content of his response - the “big numbers in trash due to touch of death” or the class tree issues.

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Oh in Shadowlands, when Covenant abilities existed? Listen, comparing the meta then to the meta now is apples to oranges. We had different issues back then, it was almost a completely different game back then as well. Paladin was meta because of damage. Period. Healing output was about what it is today, just spot healing. But Ashen Hollow existed.

We arent talking about these issues. This is about why Windwalker Monks are getting ignored at the bottom of the Damage charts for 3 balance updates in a row.

The issue would be that Windwalker isn’t at the bottom of the damage charts, so Blizz isn’t looking very deeply at it.
The common thread from players seems to be more that Windwalker is being propped up by bad design rather then being statistically weak.

Let’s be honest, it’s both.


Its actually both. The fact they arent at the bottom in Mythics is one ability that they put all of the weight in. Touch of Death. So BECAUSE of their terrible design, they cant even see the problem, as they have masked it as mid-level damage. Take away touch of death and WW becomes closer to about half of some of the lower damage specs. Thats how bad it is. WW has too many “Strikes all enemies in front of them” and almost no single target damage abilities outside of the standard rotation. Bondust is a dumb ability, needs to go. Feyline is neat, but needs attention.

They need to nerf Touch of Death and buff the hell out of all damaging abilities. Maybe give WW a single target talent or two. Maybe make SotW a single target low cooldown ability. Poorly designed spec, poorly designed class, and bottom of the charts.

Alternatively, they can un-nerf all of our AoE, and ToD would be a small part of our AoE just through that.

SotWL used to do better damage than AoE ToD, and it has less than half the CD and no health requirement on the target. And that’s just one of the abilities on the waiting to be un-nerfed list.

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I just leveled a fury war recently and was shocked that Bllizz must have invested huge amount of more time on developing warrior than monk.

Just look at the talent tree options. 5 buttons of Touch of Death is just lousy crap. In raid, it’s not gonna one shot boss dead, in pvp, you don’t need 5 options to use it.

And whoever designed monk in the first place, he/she must have long gone. Coz Faeline stomp is just not a monk thing.



I mean part of it is that it isn’t just class X was developed more than class Y. Blizzard’s vision for class design is flawed.

In addition to recycling old crap and giving us the illusion of choice between building for AoE or ST, they’re designing classes to work in an environment of teamwork and all that other flowery bs. Designing around teamwork just means you get weak individual specs. The better choice would have been to design every spec like a single player game. Then no class would lack for anything.

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So we see you guys are asking for WW improvements. Have an rng tier effect and some more pets and statues.


Not true. S1 was hpal, S4 was hpriest. It was driven by covenant abilities that were too good to pass up.

S1 Ashen Hallow that did cracked AOE and cracked healing at the same time
S4 Boon of the Ascended that did cracked AOE and cracked healing at the same time

Catching on yet?

I think I get it.

What makes a healer meta is primarily its damage tuning, and to a lesser extent healing tuning, and has nothing to do with battle rez and/or bloodlust like the monk forums cry about?

That’s what your response seems to say.

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In mythic plus, two things are always true:

  1. The meta spec is the one that fits best into the best comp. This usually means the one that can survive while doing the most damage. To a lesser extent, it’s also about utility.
  2. The meta rarely has relevance besides the highest 1-5% of attempted keys.

That said, I was disagreeing with you that paladin/priest was meta for all of Shadowlands. Paladin was meta only in S1, and Priest only in S3.

Monk brings lots of utility, just not the type of utility that most comps are looking for. So for monk to ever be meta, it needs to bring overwhelming damage, which is what you saw during Shadowlands. Same with destro lock, same with surv hunter.


To expand on this, the meta in s3 also included a class that could brez. None of this is the point, other classes and specs that already do more damage, talent trees make more sense, game play is more fluid, etc are getting touched every other “tuning” patch.